Chapter Eight

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"Where is she?" I heard a voice. I could barely breathe and it was dark, wherever I was. "Hollister?" I forced myself to sit up from my comfy position.

"Yes?" Three boys screamed and I screamed too. Niall had a hand over his heart. I realized that it was just Niall, Harry, and Zayn. "You scared me! Why'd you scream?" I questioned, putting a hand on my head. I pushed some blankets aside and stood up, looking at the clock. It was almost ten o'clock. I was underneath this pile of blankets and that was why I was basically suffocating under there.

"You scared us." Niall replied, handing me a bag that smelled of greasy, delicious food. "We stopped by McDonald's, by the way. This is yours," I opened it and saw the McNuggets and fries.

"Thank you!" I grinned at them. I sat down at the counter in the hotel room, "So how was the concert? What did you give it?" I asked to no one in particular. Whoever was in earshot could answer.

"Our all." Zayn told me, laughing and opening the fridge. He took the juice carton and opened it up before putting his mouth on it. "Don't give me that look." He laughed, "There was only a little left." He tossed it in the trash can.

"How are you feeling, Holly?" Louis walked behind me, patting my back. I shoved a fry in my mouth before testing myself.

I sniffled loudly, "I still can't breathe through my nose." I shook my head a little bit and it felt like an entire earthquake was taking place in my head, "Head hurts when I move." I coughed and a nasty sound came out, "And I have a cough. That seems like it, and you should probably take several steps back because I don't want any of you guys sick." I stated, waving them off. None of them actually moved, they just looked at me, "Guys." I whined while laughing.

"How are we suppose to take care if you if we're over there?" Harry questioned. I didn't need them to take care of me, I was eighteen for goodness sakes. Almost nineteen in less than a month. "And don't you dare say what you're about to say because I know exactly what you're about to say." I closed my mouth and crossed my arms.

"But--" I cut myself off with a loud sneeze. "Forget it." I shook my head, forgetting what I was about to say. I finished up my food. "I'll sleep on the floor tonight." I stood up but was pulled back down. "Zayn."

Zayn pulled me into his arms and hugged me, "You're sleeping on the bed. Last night you slept on a couch, and tonight, the bed is yours. If anyone has to leave, it'll be me." Zayn said to me, releasing me. He stood with his pillow and sat on the couch. I can't help but feeling bad for him. His back is gonna be all messed up like mine was earlier today.

"Your back is going to hurt, though. You have concerts to do; you can't have a bad back for that. All I do is sit anyway." I giggled because it was completely true. "Switch with me."

"Nope." Zayn laid down on the couch with a blanket covering his body. "Go to bed."

I slept for about five hours, I wasn't even tired anymore. "I can't. I already did." I answered. Liam plopped down right beside me, "Seriously, if I get any of you sick and you can't sing anymore for a bit, don't you get mad at me..." I scooted over a little.

"You're not a disease, Holly. It's just a cold." Liam shrugged. Funny he should mention diseases. Today I was accused of spreading germs and I was also called a "walking disease" by the same girl. I love society. "Here, take a blanket." Liam wrapped it over my shoulders and I thanked him. A movie that just started was on and four out of the five guys were watching it. Harry fell asleep on the bed that I was in along with Louis and Liam. Niall and Zayn were sharing the couch. The movie might've been called Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief, but I wasn't sure.

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