Chapter Thirty One

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"Wow, someone's looking extra cute today." Harry approached me. I was wearing large sunglasses, my hair was a mess, and I was wearing an off the shoulder top with ripped jean shorts. I would've worn sweatpants, but it was annoyingly hot. I faked a small smile at him and put my head back down on the chair I was sitting on. Harry laughed and sat down beside me. "I was being sarcastic."

"I know I look bad." I stated. I still had a massive headache and I was sitting in one of the dressing rooms.

"I'm joking, you look fine. What are you up to?" he questioned. I was assuming that he was finished getting dressed and everything. I'm also glad that he was whispering to me.

I handed him my phone and he laughed. "Looking at more videos from last night? Why?"

"I just really want to know what happened, I don't know. I'm curious. I can't find anything on Zayn, so I still don't know why he's mad at me. I was with everyone besides him." I stated.

"I'm telling you, he's mad because you kissed me." he said.

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Yes it does." his voice dropped to an even quieter whisper. "Clearly, he still has those feelings for you from August but is using Perrie to get rid of them. It's not working. When you kissed me, it probably brought in some jealousy and old feelings."

I sighed and leaned back in the chair. "This is why I don't get involved with this whole love thing; it's way too complicated."

Suddenly, Ashton walked in. He saw me and chuckled, "Why are you wearing sunglasses, were inside?" I pulled them off to reveal my crazy red eyes. "Oh. I now see why, never mind." Ashton told me. "Lance said he wants to see you Harry."

"Okay," he stood up. "I'll see you after the concert. We can discuss this more." Harry ruffled my hair and walked away.

The next video that I found was of me walking back to the car. Great, I haven't seen this one. I clicked on the video and I saw me clumsily walking with the help of Niall. There was no room for the driver to pull up closer, so we had to walk. Eventually, I took off both of my heels, screaming that my feet hurt.

"Baby, you don't have to worry! I'll be coming back for you! Back for you! Back for you! For you-ou-ou!" I shouted the words to "Back For You" by One Direction in their second album.

Louis reached over and put his hand over my mouth. When we got into the car, I was seated next to the window and rolled down the window, then up again, then down. I was laughing hysterically, shouting, "How does this even work?" The video ended with the people recording laughing at me.

I've already figured out a slight timeline after doing a bunch of research. After I went to dance with Harry when I was tipsy, Harry went to go get me water. I met some boys who were dancing near me and they bought me some free drinks and we talked for a while. One specific one was all over me, and I allowed him to. I nearly threw up again after I saw those pictures. I didn't allow him to kiss me or anything, though.

After that was all over, I was off by myself. I went to the bathroom and when I came back, I was with some stranger. Then I began crying and I saw Liam. I was sobbing about the Struck By Lightening movie at the bar while he gave me a funny look. Then a very club-like song came on and I started laughing. I danced a little more and began talking to a plant.

I fell down many times. Then I was taking more shots with the boys I was with earlier. I danced more and found Zayn. He took me away and I was falling everywhere. He got tired of me and took me to Harry, where I was complaining about Zayn and then we made out. I was taken back into the car and I played with the window for a while.

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