Chapter Twenty

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"Can you taste this for me, I think it might be too cheesy?" I turned and asked Zayn who was right behind me at the table. I was attempting to make him ziti for dinner and I was attempting because I hadn't made it in a few months.

He stood up and I picked out a chunk with a fork and he ate it. "Mmm. No, I think it's perfect. This is amazing." he swallowed it. "Why aren't you a professional chef yet?"

"Why thank you, Z." I smiled. "Chefs are boring, I'd rather cook for fun."

I brought the pan to the table with the bread while Zayn brought the drinks. We served ourselves and took bites. As many times that I had made this dish for my parents, I never really had much of it. They always or mostly watched me make it so I didn't put anything wrong in there and that made me unable to sneak a piece. "So I heard you got an Instagram." Zayn told me.

"Yeah, at first I was pretty iffy about it because of it'd be another way to get hate and stuff like that but then Harry told me that it would be 'fun-stagram' - I don't even understand that - and that I don't even have to look at the comments. So I was like 'sure, why not'." I told him.

"Fun-stagram. That does sound like Harry." he said. I laughed and he questioned, "Post anything yet?"

"No, I don't know what to post." I shrugged.

"Post anything. You should post a selfie or something. That'd be a nice first picture." Zayn stuffed his face once again.

"Not when I look like I just woke up." I giggled. My hair was in a bun because it was still damp from my previous shower and I was wearing jean shorts and a tee shirt that I was almost positive that it was Zayn's. I didn't think it was mine. "Plus, I don't know how to take one without looking dumb."

"Just hold the phone and push the button. I don't know how much easier it could get." he laughed. He took my phone and smiled into the front camera. Then he did the duck face. And then he puffed out his cheeks like a monkey. "Simple. Now you go."

"Not when you're watching me, go away." I joked, pushing his head to a different direction. I held the phone and then laughed. "I can't take myself seriously."

Zayn groaned and rolled his eyes playfully. "Give me the phone." I handed it to him. He held it up and told me to smile. He snapped a picture. "Now give me...fierce." I made a claw with my hand and puckered my lips while he took the picture. "Surprised." My mouth dropped and I put both hands on the side of my face while laughing and he took the photo.

"Are we just going to have a photoshoot?" I laughed, standing up and posing.

"We might as well!"

I put one hand on my head and one on my hip. Then I exaggerated my one hand on hip look by putting my hip out about three yards. We must've taken thirty pictures before I took the phone from him. "Your turn! Give me...sad and pouty." I pouted and made fake weeping sounds to get into character for him. He did so and I took the picture. "Excited." Zayn jumped in the air and I managed to get a picture while he was mid air.

It had to be over fifteen minutes before we at down at the table again. I went from having twenty five pictures on my phone to one hundred twenty three. We had a bit of fun with selfies and mirror selfies together. Maybe a little carried away. "So that is how you take a selfie." Zayn said, pulling his chair in more.

I chuckled. "Thanks. I finally know what to post! I'm deciding between the mirror selfie where we tried to look gangster and the one where I looked like a cheetah."

"Both great shots, but I like the mirror one."

* * * * *

{Zayn's POV}

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