Chapter Fourteen

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Thanks for 400+ reads! I just realized I had that now sorry and sorry for the slow updates lately.


I zipped up my bag and put my converse on. My hair was put into a high bun and I was wearing a gray crop top, high waisted jeans, and a red, white, blue, and gray flannel. "Ready?" Zayn peeked his head in through his door.

"Yep." I answered, bringing my bag up to my shoulder. The other one rolled so I began walking. Zayn almost took my bag in his hands but I stopped him. "I got it. Thank you, though." I walked passed him. He was always doing so much for me; he was so sweet.

When I got downstairs, I put my bags down and walked over to Trisha. "Thank you so much for everything." I hugged her and she hugged me back. I honestly liked Zayn's family so much, they were all so nice to each other and to me.

"It's no problem, dear, you're always welcome. Tell Zayn to bring you around some other time." She kissed my cheek and I smiled at her.

I turned to Zayn's dad, "Thank you so much as well, it was nice meeting you." I hugged him. Then I looked over at Waliyha. "It was great meeting you." I grinned and she flung her arms around me.

"You too, Holly, you really should come back again." She let me go.

Safaa hugged me around the waist and I leaned down to hug her back. "It was so nice meeting you, Safaa."

"You too!"

Zayn said his goodbyes to his family as I awkwardly watched by the door. I put on my sunglasses and soon we were out. We packed up the car and took a cab to his house.

After we arrived, he paid the man and exited. His house was absolutely gorgeous on the outside; it was brick and the landscaping was just amazing. "Wow, this is so cool." I told him, lightly nudging his arm.

"Thanks, my mom helped me with it." He stated and I giggled. This time, he did take my bags along with his and wouldn't give them back so I was forced to let him be a gentleman. I could have easily carried my own bags. He entered his home and it was even more spectacular on the inside. For a boy, it was pretty decent. Not immaculate but clean. "If you want to go to your room right now, it's the one upstairs and second door on your right. It should be clean but let me know if it's not." Zayn stated and I nodded.

"Got it." I snatched the bags back and stuck my tongue out at him. I hurried up the stairs and found my room, second one on the right. There was a queen sized bed with a white comforter. The walls were a goldish-beige color and then the floor was hardwood. The whole room was just gorgeous and mostly everything was a dark wood color, gold, and white. I sat down on the bed carefully, as if it would shatter under my butt. I didn't even want to touch anything because it was beautiful. I had to immediately stand up again since I felt like I would somehow manage to ruin everything.

"You found your room, I see?" I heard Zayn behind me. I still didn't sit or anything. "Um, you wanna sit or unpack? You can put your stuff up in the closet; were gonna be here for a month."

"It's so beautiful." I stated, placing my bags on the ground.

"Thanks." He sat down on the bed as I took out my diary and some shirts. I tossed my diary aside and separated my clothes. His eyes were stuck on something but I continued folding. He had been zoning out a lot lately, I noticed, and I was a little concerned about it. "Zayn," he looked up at me with his light brown eyes, "are you alright? You've been zoning out a lot recently and I just want to make sure that everything's okay..."

"Oh, I'm fine. I've just been doing a lot of thinking lately. Sorry if I was freaking you out, haha." He chuckled.

"It's fine, I was just worried." I put my diary in the drawer of the nightstand.

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