Chapter Forty Four

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skipped time again oops


"I am so glad that the heat wave is over." I told Leah. "I can finally come out of the shower and not get sweaty twenty minutes later and have to shower again." I laughed, towel drying my hair. Then I began braiding my hair so tomorrow, it will be all wavy and cute.

"Why are you going on about the stupid weather when you're turning twenty tomorrow?" Leah questioned, flopping down on my couch with a bowl of popcorn in her hands. "You should be excited!"

I shrugged. The only birthday that I remember - that was worth remembering - was last year with the boys. We've been growing closer once again since I saw Harry at the beach like three weeks ago. They've been apologizing nonstop like I used to. Right now, the boys are in Nashville, probably singing at the moment. They told me that they have an interview in Tennessee, so they'd be busy tomorrow. I didn't mind, though. I know that they're a busy band but they said that they'd be here next week and we can hang out. I'm really excited for that.

"You'll be very happy tomorrow. I promise." Leah stated, shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth. "Which movie do you want to watch?"

I looked through my collection of films that I bought over the past year and decided on Now You See Me. "Dave Franco is so hot!" I shouted, putting popcorn in my mouth.

My eyelids were slowly getting heavier and popcorn was scattered across my lap. I rested my head against Leah's shoulder and I was almost positive that she was asleep. Suddenly, Leah sprung up and yelled, "Happy birthday, Holly!" I screamed and fell off of the couch.

When I sat up, Leah was laughing. I glared at her as I got back on the couch. "What is the matter with you?" I asked.

"It's midnight!"

"Yes. And you're screaming."

"You're twenty!"

"I'm going to bed." I laid down on one of the throw pillows. "Thank you." I smiled.

* * *

"When did you write this paragraph?" I giggled while reading the Instagram picture. There was a big collage of pictures that Leah and I have taken together. It said:

'Dear best friend,

Happy birthday Holly! I've only known you for about ten months, but you are one of the greatest friends that I have ever had. You're super sweet with a sassy side, which is what I love about you. I am in love with your hair and you're gorgeous on the inside and out! We have the most amazing times together with the funniest jokes. You and I always have each other's backs and you know I'm only one floor away. Or one phone call. Or usually one foot because were always hanging out. Thank you for being a fantastic friend and thank you for always letting me borrow your clothes! I love you! You deserve the best birthday ever! xoxox'

"Awe." I smiled, looking up at her. "Give me a hug, you fantastic person, you." I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her. I don't think she can carry me like this, but I wrapped my legs around her waist anyways.


"Love you!"

She began stumbling and tripping. "Yeah, love you too, get off!"

The door opened and I saw Tyler standing there. I continued to hug Leah but she just wanted me off of her. "I don't mean to throw you on your birthday, but--" she pried me off of her and threw me down on the couch. I laughed and stood up to my feet.

"Hey, Ty." I smiled, walking over to him. I hugged him and he picked me up, swinging me around.

"Happy twentieth birthday, babe. I love you." Tyler pressed his lips against the side of my head. "I'll post your Instagram message later and it will be better than Leah's." he chuckled, putting me down. I'm glad that Tyler's still my close friend after we broke up. It ended pretty rocky when I told him the truth behind me breaking up with him - it didn't feel like he was right for me, but Zayn was, even though I hadn't spoke to him in forever. He'll always be my first love, though.

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