Chapter Twenty Two

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I had on a white dress that was kind of lace but not entirely see through at the top part and had layers and layers of silky, sheer material. On my feet were these navy blue colored stilettos and I had a dark blue handbag. Lou didn't even do my hair this time because I simply put it in a messy side braid and she loved the look. The makeup was a little less intense and I could see my few freckles. This had to be my favorite look by far.

"You walking okay, Holly?" Liam asked me, sort of laughing.

The shoes that I was wearing were only four or five inches but they felt like ten. They were so hard to walk in. "I should be fine." I giggled. I was at the premiere for the second time and I had no idea where to go. I basically just lingered around everywhere awkwardly and greeted people who greeted me.

"Hollister?" I heard a female British voice behind me. I turned around and saw a brunette and blonde girl, both with big pretty eyes. They were both wearing beautiful dresses and seemed younger than me.

"Hey," I smiled at them.

"Hi." the brunette one said. "I'm Félicité. I'm Louis' sister." she put her hand out.

"And I'm Lottie."

"Great to meet you!" I shook both of their hands. "You guys look so pretty." I motioned to their dresses and then at their hair. I was pretty sure that they were both taller than me.

"Well, so do you! Every time you go to one of these events, you manage to look so amazing. And your hair, oh my gosh." Lottie paused for the dramatic effect.

Lottie, Felicitè, and I talked for a while on the carpet, not even posing for pictures anymore. They were hilarious; I could see that being funny is probably a Tomlinson trait. "Hey, it's almost time to go in. Want to sit together?" I questioned to the two of them. They told me sure and we began walking.

My arm was grabbed gently and I almost twisted my ankle since I nearly fell from the insanely high heels. "Oops!" I heard Zayn say. I held up a finger to Lottie and Félicité, indicating that I'd only be a second. "I'm sorry," he apologized, "I just wanted to know if, uh - are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good, you didn't break my ankle just now." I laughed. "But yeah, I'm fantastic." I told him. I gave him a smile and he forced one back to me. I knew him well enough to know that that wasn't a real smile. Did I look like I wasn't okay? People were flashing cameras in his face as he held Perrie's hand with his other hand and I walked away.

* * * * *

I decided to go home after the premiere instead of going to the after party with the others. I got Lottie's and Félicité's numbers as well. It was about two o'clock in the morning when I heard the keys in the lock. I was asleep on the couch but I woke up quickly and with a book on my shoulder. "Hey, Z," I greeted him groggily and he was startled to see that I was here on the couch. He sat down beside me and closed his eyes. He looked really tired.

"What are you doing up so late?" he asked, yawning.

"I was reading here earlier and then I fell asleep." I motioned to the Hunger Games on my lap. I was near the part where Katniss was trying to get the things that she needed to heal Peeta and Thresh saved her before she could be killed by Clove. "How was the party?"

"Pretty bland. You didn't go, Perrie didn't go, Liam didn't go because he wanted to go out for his birthday with his girlfriend, and it just wasn't as fun." Zayn shrugged. "You should've went."

"Nah, I wasn't feelin' it tonight." I told him. I didn't know why, but I felt a little sick. The thing was though, I wasn't sick. I was just uncomfortable.

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