Chapter Eleven

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"Ah! Spider!" I heard Harry scream. My eyes opened and I sat up. Harry was standing by the bathroom door, watching the spider intently. I was laying on Zayn's lap and Louis was hanging off the couch, his eyes now open.

"Shut up and kill it." Niall grumbled, cuddling the throw pillow to his chest. He was laying on the floor.

"No! Don't kill him or her!" I quickly said and he was already holding up a shoe, "Harry!" I jumped up from the chair and clumsily ran over to him, taking the shoe. "You can't kill him or her. Take 'em outside!" I said as the spider crawled up the wall.

"But it's gross and big." he shook his head, taking the shoe back, "I'll just kill it. It's no big deal." He lifted his hand and tried to squish it but I grabbed his arm and pulled it down. "I don't see the problem."

"This little spider didn't do anything to you except scare you and you wanna kill him. Lift me up." I demanded and Harry did as told. I put my hand out, waiting for the spider to crawl on.

"Um... Hollister?" Liam looked at me weirdly and I shrugged. Finally the spider crawled on and I felt it's tiny legs in my palm. I put my other hand on top, leaving enough space for him to crawl around. Harry put me down and I walked to the window. I opened it and I - completely forgetting about the fans - almost fell down because it was so loud. I dropped him.

I gasped and hoped that it didn't land on anyone, "I just killed him." I told them. "He fell out of my hand. I hope he has Spider-Man powers and can swing and shoot out webs.." I went to the bathroom to wash my hands before exiting. "Gosh, I hope it doesn't land on any of the fans."

The boys stayed quiet, staring at me, "I could've killed it myself if that's what you were gonna do." Harry laughed, walking into the kitchen. At my house, as nerdy as it sounds, I talked to the bugs. They were all I had in the summer. My parents thought I was crazy, thinking I was talking to myself.

"Sorry," I apologized, sitting back on the couch next to Louis and Zayn. He told me that it was fine and Louis stood up.

"What time are we leaving?" Louis questioned, stretching and looking at the clock. It was around noon and I must've been sleeping for at least nine hours. We watched a few movies yesterday.

"Uh... I believe we're leaving at noon." Liam answered. Everyone stopped. "Oh, we better get a move on." he walked to the door, calmly. The rest of the boys left, leaving me in my room. First, I quickly cleaned up. Pillows and blankets were everywhere. Then, I went to the bedroom where my things were located. I pulled out some jeans and a slightly cropped shirt that didn't go up too high and a bandeau. I hurried and washed up before putting on the selected clothing. I put on flip flops and shoved the rest of my things in my bag and grabbed my diary.

I brought my stuff down to the lobby and waited until the others came. I threw my hair up in a top knot and put on my sunglasses. Soon, I was hopping on the bus. "So what was up with that bug thing? Why didn't you just let Harry kill it?" Louis questioned on the bus as I slid into the bottom. I am definitely getting more sleep.

"Because the spider did nothing." I responded, feeling my shirt riding up. I almost fixed it but Louis grabbed my wrist to stop me and was looking at something, "What?"

"That's a big scar... what happened?" Louis questioned as Zayn was walking by.

My face paled and I hurried and fixed my shirt, "Did you have your appendix taken out or something because geez, that is massive." Zayn asked me.

I pulled the blanket over my body and I think that everyone is now listening, curious of my massive scar. I really don't like talking about it, "U-um, no." I answered, remembering the memory like it happened last week. It's not everyday that you hear that a girl's father stabbed them in the side while drunk, "I had an accident in sophomore year... while cooking and... I was bleeding a lot and went to the hospital." I told them briefly. So what if it was a lie? How would they even find out the real truth? Exactly. They won't.

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