Chapter Forty One

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'November 16, 2013,

What even is a date? Like I understand what a date is but what is it, you know? Do we just talk to several hours and get to know each other? Why do they have to he so nerve wracking? Why can't we all just chill out and hope for the best?

Oh, I'm going on a date tonight.

Tyler asked me out at my dad's party on the thirteenth and it was adorable. My dad knew that if he had a party, there wouldn't be many people that I know except for him, Brooke, and the kids. So he told me that I could bring one of my friends that I just met. Chris, Leah, and Tyler have been including me in things so I take it that were friends now. Leah was busy, Chris was studying, and that left Tyler.

Basically, this is how it happened. The two of us were outside at like eleven while the party was dying inside on the deck, just talking. He was drinking his beer and everything - he's twenty one - until my dad walked out and asked to talk to me. He pulled me over towards the grill and said, "If he asks you out, say yes. You have my approval."

So I asked, "How do you know he's going to ask me out and why do I have to say yes?" I was probably going to say yes anyways because of the crush I have on him but I just wanted to hear what he had to say. Plus, I still didn't fully believe in love so probably needed to hear this.

"Because I know you don't believe in love. And I know he's going to ask you out because look at where you're at. Under the moonlight in private and he clearly has a crush on you. Let me tell you a quick story that will probably change your mind. After your mother cheated on me, I felt terrible like I was back in high school. So I moved up here and was in a funk for like half a year. I didn't think love existed anymore and I hated it. That was until my neighbor tells me that I need a woman. I didn't want one. But he took my to Starbucks because quote, 'all the ladies love Starbucks' unquote. So I was basically just like rolling my eyes at everything until I saw a beautiful woman sitting in one of the booths alone. I took my drink, pretended to fall, and spilled it on her. That beautiful woman ended up being my wife. Moral of the story, you can't knock love until you try it, and you won't regret it."

And he was right. About both things.

When I got back over there, we just continued talking until he said, "Hey Holly?"


"I have a big crush on you and I know that sounds a little weird but will you go out with me?" And I thought that was one of the cutest things ever because he was so nervous. So now it's happening. We're going ice skating - I should've told him how clumsy I am - and I think out to eat afterwards. Best of luck to myself.'

Leah was looking through my closet to find something nice for me to wear. He was taking me to an ice skating rink even though I might break my nose again, but whatever. "What's this?" Leah pulled out a white Kiss shirt. "You listen to Kiss?"

"No," I looked at it, "this is Harry's, I think." I stood up and said, "Everything on this end of the closet is either Harry's, Liam's, Niall's, Louis', or Zayn's. Our clothes got all mixed up." I've ran into like ten of the boy's clothes and I'm missing some of mine.

"Oh." Leah was such a huge fan of the boys and always wanted to ask questions about them but I can tell that she's been refraining from asking one question: why I left. She can probably tell that I'm mad at them for something. "Hey, we have like a load of time before your date, do you want to cut your hair now?"

"Yeah, sure." I stood up. We walked upstairs to her apartment and she opened the door. Leah's mom owns a hair salon so she's really good at this type of thing. She dyed her own hair and cuts it so I trust her with my own since her's always looks good.

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