Chapter Thirty Six

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{Zayn's POV}

I lightly knocked on the door, hopefully waiting for her to open the door. Perrie had been cooped up in there ever since she came back upstairs crying, leaving us with no solid truth about what happened while she was at the pool with Hollister, trying to mend their friendship.

The boys were sitting down on the couch, thinking over what just happened. Hollister decided that she wanted to become all big and tough, as big as 5'1 could get, and started telling everyone off. Her voice got extra loud and she began calling us names. I did admit, it was a little shocking to see how loud she could make her usual quiet voice. It was all pretty stupid, to say at the least though. She ended up leaving for good and all I could say was that I didn't care. It was like taking the first breath of a cigarette during a very stressful week. Relieving. I felt like a bunch of weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"I don't know, man...Holly had a good point..." Niall was saying to Liam behind me while I attempted getting into the bedroom. "Why wouldn't she own up to what she did after we found out and had proof that she did? She sat there, allowing us call her names for weeks and she still didn't admit to it. If she apologized, all of it would've ended right there and yet she didn't. That's gotta say something right?"

"No." I turned around, tired of them talking about her. "It doesn't. Can you all just let her go? She was obnoxious and stupid."

"You're telling me that you're not going to miss her?" Liam asked me. "At all? I know she was being pretty irritating but..."

I shook my head. "Hollister was just getting on my nerves."

Perrie's sobs were only getting louder and that explained why she couldn't hear me. I just wanted to know what she did to Perrie and she twisted it all around, trying to make it seem like Perrie was the bad guy all along.

"That's a load of rubbish!" Louis told me. "After three months with her, two thirds of the time we were all having so much fun together. We all got to know her and everything and now she's just gone. You're not going to miss how much of a book nerd she was? How much she fell down? How she would always wish us luck and tell us to give it our all? You'll miss none of that? I understand she was rude to Perrie, but I miss her. Maybe we should give her a call. What if she wasn't wrong..."

"I don't even know if I think she did it anymore." Liam stated.

I raised my eyebrows. "It's been like a half hour. Maybe I'll miss her in a few weeks, but definitely not right now. I want nothing to do with her. Do not try and convince me that Holly was right, I've already had enough of that."

Harry walked into the room and told us that we had to go do the concert. All of us put on our shoes and pushed our emotions aside. I looked back at Perrie's door; I didn't know what to do or how to open that door, so I didn't. I just left, leaving her a text on her phone. I was sure she'd be ready to talk when we returned to the hotel later. I wanted to go in there and comfort her but maybe she needed her space.

I got into the car and plugged my earphones into my ears, playing my music loudly. I didn't even feel like singing in the concert but I was going to do my best, like always. Eventually, we got there and I got questions about where Perrie was. One person even asked me where Hollister was. "Perrie is at the hotel and Holly is gone." I answered to Lou.

"Gone? As in...?"

"Gone. Like she packed her bags and left." I replied. Lou furrowed her eyebrows.

"And went where?"

"Lou!" I looked back at her as I walked into the dressing room.

"Sorry, I'm curious!"

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