Chapter Sixteen

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Someone thought it was a good idea to bring beer and alcohol, which made me extremely uncomfortable. Drunken people were dancing everywhere so I just stood back in the kitchen eating some more of the amazing cake that Harry made. I was fine with them having fun as long as nothing happened to me.

"Holly, what are you doing in here all by yourself?" Harry questioned. The way he tripped over nothing and swayed when he stood made me think he was drunk.

"Are you drunk?"

"Nah, nah." He shook his head and then laughed. "Maybe just a little bit." He pinched his fingers together to show what a little bit was. Harry began walking towards me and I got nervous. I hoped he wasn't a violent drunk. "Come here. Dance with me."

He took my hand and put one of his on my waist. He dipped and spun me around and I couldn't help laughing even though I was scared. I didn't like being around drunken people. He was funny when he's drunk. We were ballroom dancing to some inappropriate club song. Harry spun me a couple of times before hugging me. "You, my friend, are a fantastic dancer." He sloppily kissed me on the cheek, awfully close to my mouth, and then stumbled out. Okay, then. I've come to the conclusion that he isn't a violent drunk, but a goofy drunk.

"Hey," I heard from behind me. This time it was Zayn. He put down a bottle and bobbed his head to the music a bit. "Having fun?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "I just don't like being around all the drunken people." I told him and he nodded.

"You mind if I stay in here? No one's really making sense in there." Zayn said.

"Go ahead."

They were playing some really loud club music and I did not dare look in there because I knew they were dancing like wild animals; some of those moves probably weren't even legal and I'm almost positive that a few of the people here were strangers. At least to me. I was really not feeling the party at this point but I didn't want to tell them since it was sweet of them to even organize something like this. It was about ten o'clock now and they didn't seem nearly done. I didn't even think all of them were drunk, they all just like partying and playing drinking games. "So did you have a nice birthday? It's almost over."

"It was amazing. One of the best days I've had in a while." I smiled but his faltered. He soon recovered. "Thank you."

"No problem. You deserve it." He ruffled up my hair a bit. "Ooh, you should open your presents." He bounced in his seat. He seemed a little giddy, but I didn't think he was drunk.

Before I could stop him, he jumped up and went back into the family room then returned soon after with a bunch of boxes and cards. "Part two of my gift is upstairs. Open that one last."

I nodded and picked up his 'part one' gift. There was a store bought card with a cupcake on it and I read it out loud. "'For a good friend'." I opened it and a bunch of money fell out. "'Dear Holly, Hope your birthday's a special treat! Happy birthday! Sincerely, Zayn xx' Thanks Zayn!" The opened the box on the floor in front of me and there was the Divergent, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter and The Maze Runner series, like the whole series set. "Ooh!" I remember seeing these books in the library at the end of Senior year in June but I didn't get it. But I have read Harry Potter and it wouldn't hurt to read them again. I flung my arms around Zayn. "Thank you so much! I love them."

"No problem." He told me, hugging me back. I was so excited to read these.

I picked up the next present that was Louis'. The card was hand made and said 'Happy birthday Squirt!' And then I opened it, revealing more money. "Wowie." I saw the money and placed it on my lap. 'Dear Holly, I didn't have time to buy a card so I made this. Happy birthday, love! I hope you have a wonderful day! Sincerely, Louis :)'. The present was a three hundred dollar gift card to Barnes and Noble and all eight Harry Potter movies. I've never seen them but heard they were great, so I was pretty excited about that. "Ooh, lovely." I made a reminder in my head to thank him later.

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