Chapter Forty Six

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{Zayn's POV}

I gently pushed the stray hair out of her eyes as she slept on my chest. One of her arms were wrapped around my stomach and our legs tangled with each other. I leaned down and pressed my lips against her forehead. Holly is just adorable when she's asleep. She looks like a little hamster but she's such a cute hamster.

At around three in the morning, we were talking about random things and catching up before she fell asleep mid sentence while she talked about one of her favorite books called, It's Kind of a Funny Story. We were at the counter when I commented on the large amount of books on her shelf. I asked if she found a new favorite to put in her top twenty and she started to tell me about this book. "Are you tired?" I questioned.

"No. So anyways, the main character Craig can't even eat without getting a sick feeling in his stomach so he has to throw up basically. Then one night, when everything becomes overwhelming, he nearly..."

That's when she fell asleep on the counter. I could see in her eyes that she was exhausted but she wanted to stay up with me and talk. I carried her back to her bedroom and the guys decided that they'd all stay out there, some on the pull out and some on an air mattress that she seemed to forget about. It was just the two of us in the bedroom.

Even though I fell asleep after her, I woke up before her. She must have been really tired or something because she slept for almost ten hours straight. "Good morning, beautiful." I said as I saw her eyes fluttering open. Everything about her, I just found so breathtakingly gorgeous; all the freckles on her nose and cheeks, her thin but perfect eyebrows, pink lips, button nose, high cheek bones, bright eyes, and long eyelashes. Just everything.

"Good morning." she smiled and stretched out a little bit. "When did you wake up?"

"Not too long ago. Probably like twenty five minutes ago." I answered.

Holly scratched her head, "Where was I? Oh, yeah. So on one night, when everything becomes too overwhelming, Craig nearly kills himself." I laughed as she picked up right from where she left off. "What? I didn't want to leave you hanging."

We exited the room after brushing our teeth and everything and saw the boys still asleep. I guess with the tour, they don't always get as much sleep as they want. Or they stayed up playing games on her X-Box. "What are you in the mood for? Eggs, omelets, bacon, sausage, French toast, waffles, pancakes, cereal...anything." she told me, opening her cabinets.

"Uh...waffles?" I stated and she nodded.

"Okay, well I need to go buy eggs and milk. Do you want to stay here or...?"

"I'll come. I'll just go get sunglasses and a hat." I went to my suitcase so I didn't get recognized so quickly.

Holly and I walked to a nearby store and grabbed some eggs and milk. She was wearing light blue pajama shorts with white polka dots on them and a white long sleeved shirt. The first shoes that she found were her brown Uggs and she wasn't wearing any makeup of any kind with her curls in a bun. "What are you lookin' at?" she giggled while picking up butter that she remembered that she needed.

"Somebody absolutely incredible." I threw an arm over her shoulder and kissed her on the forehead. I just love Holly so much and I constantly feel the need to remind her of how great she is.

"Aw. You're sweet." she paid for the food after throwing in some ice cream and whipped cream just because. I carried the bags for her and held her hand with mine.

"Zayn Malik?!"

I turned around to see about three teenage girls with excited looks on their faces. Now that I turned around already when they said my name, I can't pretend that it's not me. Holly let go of my hand and gave them a warm smile. "Hey, guys." I greeted them.

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