Chapter Thirty Two

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This was outstandingly stupid. I could not believe what happened just an hour ago in my hotel room. I hadn't really left my room, I was just eating excessively and angrily. I didn't think any of the boys wanted to talk to me and I definitely wasn't going to talk to Perrie. I really wanted to talk to the boys but everything I said resulted in me being screamed at, so then again, I honestly didn't want to see them. Instead, I was talking to my diary, because I had a lot to say and a lot on my mind.

'October 7, 2013'

(continued)...and then she actually convinced all of them that I hit her in the face. There's this massive bruise on her face that makes no sense because I didn't touch her. I was sleeping for three hours. Did she really punch herself in the face just to have them hate me? She's definitely sick in the head and may possibly have a crazy obsession with Zayn. She's really possessive.

I've been in my room for a while now, just eating and listening to music. I don't know what to do or how to convince them that I didn't do anything. There's no way that I could. She actually did it. She made them mad at me.'

I had been writing for a long time, trying to figure out what to do. I should've just stepped away from Zayn when she asked me to. There was a sudden small knock on my door.

I looked my worse right now. I didn't know if I should answer or not. My hair was up in two space buns, I wore a really oversized sweatshirt, leggings, and my face was covered in some face mask to help it get better. Plus, my face was stuffed with colorful gold fish. "Come in." I said, spilling crumbs everywhere and all over me.

I expected Perrie so she could gloat about her huge accomplishment. Zayn almost threw something at me because of her little stunt. I didn't like her all that much. I didn't like her at all, matter of fact.

Instead, it was Liam. The last thing he said to me when he found out what supposedly happened was: "I'm so disappointed". I hardly smiled at him and stated, "Hello."

"I never gave you a chance to explain yourself fully. I know Zayn didn't either. Or any of the other guys. We're all very confused." Liam stated, not sitting down. He just stood at the door with his arms folded. A nice hello back would've been a little nicer and reassuring. "I want to give you a chance to actually explain your side of the story. I want to hear you out."

I sighed and twisted my position so that I could stand up. Crumbs fell to the floor and I felt bad for the maid who would have to clean this mess up later. "I never touched Perrie. That's all I know. I don't understand anything else. I fell asleep at around 8:00 after I watched Spider-Man. I woke up when Harry started yelling at me at 11:00. Don't ask me what happened; you're clearly asking the wrong girl." I stated. "That is truthfully my entire story."

"This is the problem!" he startled me with the random outburst. I flinched back. "One of you guys are lying! It just doesn't make sense!"

"Yes it does! Perrie has hated me ever since I met her. She thought I had something going on with Zayn and she wants me to get out of his life!" I told him. "She's gotten Zayn to ignore me, be mad at me, and now she's trying to get him to hate me."

"I don't even know who to believe right now." he walked out, running a hand through his hair. If he was just going to keep running out on me, why did he even show up? I was trying to explain what I knew, but I didn't know much about what happened.

I was irritated. No one was believing me. My reasoning made a lot more sense! She never liked me. And if she did, it was a lie so Zayn wouldn't break up with her. What was she telling them, anyways? It was probably something along the lines that I was jealous and since the boys knew about my feelings towards Zayn, they agreed.

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