I am recognizable

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I am recognizable
Not because of vissible wealth I have
Nor large income I have
Neither the allotment I have

I am recognizable
Not because the attribute I have
Nor my proffession I have
Neither reputation I have

I am recognizable
By the author of life
Because I accepted the truth
That I need Jesus!!!

I am accepted
Not because of my moral values and philosophy in life
But because His unfailing mercy and abundant love
And He embrace the worst in me

I am learning
Not because of the wisdom I get from intelectual and religious people
But through his word that I meditate day and night
And every situation, I lay my faith in him

I am more than a millionaire
Not because of earthly treasures
But because the joy and peace He provide
That can't be bought or sold

What ever my status in society
What ever my future is.......
It doesn't matters;
With Christ my world is secure!

Jesus Christ, my Saviour and my LordOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant