For Marriage takes Three

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Happiness in marriage is not magic
A good marriage must be create
Not just a commitment and solemn promises
Neither your love for each other, it may not last forever

A good marriage needs a lot of understanding and respect
It is not looking for perfection in each other
But it is having the capacity to forgive and to forget
And giving each other an atmosphere to learn from mistake

A happy marriage is not base only on basic needs
Neither luxurious things you can give
It is your sincerity and devotedness
That makes your partner free from doubtfulness

A marriage that something will last forever
Let Christ be invited and asked to enter
As lover come together with Jesus is in the center
For his love wil bear in any mess

Keep Christ to be the foundation of marriage
It will not crumble and give way
Through the daily pressures of life
But it will stand the test of time

In home where Jesus is first
It's obvious to see his blessing
Those union will last forever
For marriage still takes three

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