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My Lord Jesus is my rock
I placed my life into his hands
For He is my salvation and my foundation
In Him I can faced any storms in my life

I will never be tremble and despair
For I am standing in his mercy
I have faith in him
Yesterday, today and forever, He is changeless

The Lord Jesus is my shelter
He gives comfort and protection
Against pestilence and thieves
He will restore and replenish the things had been stolen

He is my completion and contentment
The root of prosperity
That gives joy and peace
In the midst of famine and death

The Lord Jesus is my strong tower
My safest place and comfort zone
That ease my fears and dispairs
Against the fiery arrow of my persecutors

All the works and schemes of my enemies
Could not prevail from my Overseer
No powers and no stronghold
Could not overthrow my Saviour

In His presence I'll be glad in it
For there is promotion and provision
From the rising of the sun until it goes down
His love continues to overflow,

Jesus Christ, my Saviour and my LordWhere stories live. Discover now