Christian's creed

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I am a Christian
Not by words but by works
In spirit and by heart
I believed in Jesus as my Lord and  Saviour

I have confidence in Christ
For richer and poorer
For better and worse
I will be faithful to him

I believe in the virgin birth,
In cruxifition and resurrection of Christ
I believe in life eternal
I believe Jesus is the way , the truth and the life

I believe in the Holy Bible
It is a gift fom God for the church
Every word and promises are true
Practice it so that in his likeness you grow

I am a disciple of Christ
For He is my teacher and my master
Meditate his words day and night
Love his work day and night

From the rising of the sun
Until the sun goes down
I will rejoice and be thankful
For the goodness and love He gave

I am a Christian and I am not ashame
I am partaker of Holy communion
I been baptized in water and in spirit
I not afraid to proclaim the gospel

I believe in God the Father, my provider
I believe in Christ the Son, my saviour
I believe in Holy Spirit, my comforter
I am accompanied by the Holy team

I will not be afraid nor be troubled
For the terror by night
Nor for the pestilence that walk in darkness
Neither the destruction that waste at noonday

Surely goodness and favor shall follow me
All the days of my life
And Christ' s blood is my zeal
And I will dwell in the house of my Lord, forevermore!!!

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