Heaven's gift

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I asked the Lord for a friend
He send someone to be my friend
He knew all my secrets
Yet He accept me with no regret

Though many come and went
He's the one that heaven's sent
His loyalty will stand the test
When skies are clear or darkest

Through the years I found Him blameless
He influenced me to walk in righteousness
At every turn of the narrow road
He's not far away to help me with my load

He is powerful yet not so bossy
He makes sure that each day will be easy
If I heed to His will and conviction
At the end of the day I see His intention

He is strict with sense of compassion
For He despised sin and rebellion
He sees the fault that merit to blame
But keeps on loving just the same

He understand all my struggles
And He help me everytime I stumble
He makes me cries when I felt His embrace
Because of His umeasurable love and grace

He doesn't need my praises and hymns
But to give the glory to the Saviour and King
This is His will that I have to perceive
To love Jesus and to believe

When I asked the Lord to send a friend
Though many come and went
But of all, this is one's the best
Thank you Holy Spirit to be my friend

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