Holy Bible

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A precious book of wisdom and life
A  source of truth and love
Every words were written are true and alive
Every written promises is not a lie

The word of God is like a sword
That pierces the hearts of men
There is conviction in every words
That can break up the rock of sin and wrong

A divine book is for all saints and sinners
It is a light that shines in darkest night
It is also a fire that kindle in man's heart desire
To see its Author face to face

Holy bible is a sacred tresure to those who believes
A reminder to everyone His goodness and greatness
And it doesn't stop in coma and period
It will continues to exist and to reveal

Time will pass away and season will change
But the word of God and promises still remain
Meditate the Bible, day and night
And to know all the fullness of His love

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