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God is love, the purest form of love
It doesn't enslave but always care
For his love is perfect and never cease
That bring hope, joy and peace

God is a great provider in all living things
Yet some people complain in everything
But still God gives according to their needs
For God is faithful in every little things

God is good and He never changed
For He gives comfort and protection
Yet some people don't see that way
In times of trouble, fear is what they have

God is a creator and He created everything
He has a purpose in every living thing
Big and small, great and least
Everything is beautiful in his sight

Yet some people don't even care
Richness and greed is what they seek
In God's mind, righteousness to perceive
So the world will live in peace

God is Holy and righteous
He will seperate the righteous from the wicked
Eternal life to those who believe
Hell for those who rejected his warning

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