A gift from Above

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Mother is a gift from Heaven above
Created from the ribs of man, a vessel of love
Her love is pure and something hard to define
To remind us that God is good and kind

A mother gives never ending grace and love
She is a blessing to the family, she adore
The bond that grows will never falter
Her love is so strong it will never alter

Nothing compared for what she brings
In every home she is light illuminating
We can rely on her patience and strength
And we know she'll go to any length

A mother will walk an extra miles
To give the very best and to see them smile
Her legacy and beauty may not be remember
But God is faithful and her rewards

A mother's love is more precious than gold
That can't be bought or sold
Yes, mothers are special gift from above
We are blessed forever with mother's never ending love.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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