Quality of Life

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Help me Lord to understand and to perceive
To follow Your will and to believe
Not the material things that the world can give
Neither the goals and wordly dreams to achieve

Lord I know that You will prosper me
It is Your will and great plan for me
Not today, maybe tomorrow or  maybe soon
But for now, pursuing godly things is Your priority

True richness is not in luxurious things
Nor they can't give peace in midst of trouble
For worldly treasure has no real value
It has no substance for sustaining eternal life

I pray Oh Lord, to bear in Your fruit
That brings joy, peace, hope and love
Rather than the wealth and fame of this land
That brings strife and pride

I'd rather have the fruit of Spirit inside
Meekness, patience, faithfulness and kindness
Than to have everything in my hand
But one day soon it will all be gone

It is not all about the things I have
But the things I can share
That pays the greater dividend
And makes me richer in the end

Help me Lord to be faithful
In everyday of my life
What the world offers, matter not
It's all like cramble sand

I'd rather store up treasure in heaven
Where thieves don't break in and steal
For life on earth is impermanent
Next to this is everlasting life

Jesus Christ, my Saviour and my LordWhere stories live. Discover now