For God so loved the world

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Love is a four letters word
That would changed the world
It was a greatest gift from Heaven above
That He would like to share to everyone

God's greatest gift can be acquire
Faith is the only God's require
The price of salvation has already paid
For Christ's life had been laid

Christ has died in Calvary's tree
By His blood and now we are free
Free from cursed and shame
To call upon His name

An invitation fior every tribes,
Every kingdoms and every races
Christ is the only way, the truth and the life
For whoever believes in Him recieves eternal life

Soon He call us home
To recieve to those who love Him
And have a home in Heaven above
Where all is joy, peace and love

But for now, let continue to share the "Good News"
Knowing His word and following His ways
Praying to God and learning to be still
So we can understand His most perfect will

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