When I'm gone

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When my journey is coming to an end
And the day of my life is numbered
Traveling to the road of failure and success
Through struggle, love, hope and sadness

When the time comes to meet my Creator
And the story of my life to be unfold
Will I'm able to look at His Holy throne
Or be ashame for the wrong I've done

There are things I wish to continue
And there are things I want to change
For long period I lived in affliction
But now I am free from my burden

Haunted by painful memories
That allowed my past to control my future
Driven by resentment and guilt
Forgiveness is not easy to yield

From the moment I let Jesus
To be my Lord and Saviour
Everything has been good and easy
Because I learned to have faith in Him

A new day and hope to begin
In Him I found my peace
The world might brings harsh and troubles
Yet I know He will be there for me

This is my testimonies and my faith
Jesus loves me for who I am
He came down and gave His life for my sin
And to have everlasting life because I believed

I might not be perfect and always fall from sin
But by His grace I'm able stand before Him
I am weak and no richness to offer for Him
Yet He sent the Holy Spirit to be my guide and light

Life on earth is just temporary
Death is open door to everlasting happiness
Where my Saviour awaits me
And His presence I will enjoy, forevermore....

Jesus Christ, my Saviour and my LordWhere stories live. Discover now