The Love of God

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Out of dust God created a man
Not by His word but by His hands
In His own image and likeness
To have dominion of all God's creation

But because God loves man with no condition
Man has a freewill that the angel don't have
Satan sees an opportunity to steal and to destroy
And he's still trying to decieve man with his lies

All along God knew
The Garden of Eden would not last
That in it sin would be born
Eternal death to all humanity

But because God's love is full of compassion
God has a plan involving His Son
Perfection as the only sacrifice
So imperfection to redeem from the price

When the timing was just right
In one sacred night
A virgin woman gave birth
To a baby Jesus to be the light

All along God knew
That Jesus would complete the task
A true man and true God
That will set free His beloved creation

By the death of Jesus from the cross
Salvation is guarantee and its for free
For the fallen angel's sin has no forgiveness
But for man's sin, forgiveness is in their reached

For God's love is patient and merciful
The Good News continuous to be preach
For hell is made only for fallen angels
But  also for men who ignore His warning

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