To be a Christian

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To be a Christian
It is not about going to church every Sunday
But it is about your affection towards God
Going to church on time with joyful heart

The church doesn't makes you righteous
Church is not organization nor an affiliation
It is a place where you pour yourself to God
To repent, to worship and to give your tithes, correctly

To be a Christian
It is not how often you read your Bible
Neither you memorized all the verses in the Bible
But how do you apply it in your daily living

To be a Christian
It is not about beautiful praises and love offering
But believing in His principle and teaching
And not compromising your belief and faith in God

To be a Christian
It is not about good deeds
And giving alms to the needy
To be your guidelines and motivation

But how do you respond to your trespasser
God said love thy neighbor
Restraint yourself from doing evil
And learn to forgive and to forget

To be a Christian
It is all about devotedness and obedience
God should be seated rightfully, in the throne of your heart
In everyday of your life God is always first

To be a Christian
It is sll about honesty and humility
To be the light of this world
And be a blessing to others

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