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In this world, dust has no value
Yet God created man from the dust
If anyone acknowledge God's sovereignity
All works of his hands will be great and established

He didn't say "let it be a man"
But He choose to mold man from his hands
So He can understand every pains and hurts
That man would experienced into his life

He made man into his own likeness and image
A reflection of his greatness, dominion and creativity
Freedom to choose and to dream
Emotion to display and to share

These are the qualities that no others have
If man could ever see how God loves him
He would not be tempted and set off from his right
And sin will never ruled this world

Yet God is a merciful and loving Creator
He didn't neglected what He has started
That man has a part of his blue print
He gave man a chance to choose again

He gave his only son for the sake of his choosen creation
To died and to set free from judgement
So in the coming future
The Creator and man will be together once again!!!

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