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Faith is about believing and trusting
In God's capability and sovereignty
Not in our logic and understanding
But completely surrendering to Him

For faith is not to question or doubt
When things just don't work out
Faith is above all in worries and fear
If you choosed to believe and it will disappear

Faith is greater than knowledge and skill
If you trust God's wisdom and will
And there's nothing God cannot achieve
If you have faith and continue to believe

Like Abraham when God tested his faith
To bring his beloved son as burnt offering
He didn't refused nor he didn't hesitate
In the end God blessed him and his offspring

Like the women had an issued of bleeding
She ignored the pain and overtake the crowd
As soon as she touched the garment of Jesus
Miracle happen and she was healed

Faith is more valueble than gold and silver
But is not rately charged
Faith is just a small word
But of God's kingdom it is the key

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