God created woman

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When God created a woman
He came up with well devised plan
Plan for welfare and not for evil
A woman perfected for man's benefit

A woman that God created out of man's rib
Not from his feet to be under him
Neither from his head to be above him
And not also from his hand to be his trophy

But from his side to be his partner
Under his arm to be protected
Next to his heart to be loved and cared
Near to his lung not to be apart from him

God didn't say let there be a woman
Nor He didn't created the woman from the dust
But He took one of Adam's ribs, made into a woman
And soon they will became one flesh

Woman was designed only for man
Soon she'll carried the seed of her husband
And be a loving mother to her children
Devoted wife and a light to everyone's home

God created woman to fulfill the divine purpose
For once she was deceived and have sinned
But from her womb, a Saviour was born
And changed the fate of the world

What a masterpiece God has created
Unique in her defined beauty
She sang praises of love and thankfulness
For both God and man, she loved

Indeed a wonderful gift from heaven above
Without her presence, home is incomplete
Nothing compared for what she brings
She may not be perfect, but always be remember

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