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Each problems in life is like a giant
That test our faith in Christ
We fear for it because of what it may brings
And our joy and peace had gone within

Like the Israelites when they saw Goliath
Their heart melted because of his size
But David doesn't see that way
For the living God is in his side

David has no armor nor sword
The only thing he had is faith and sling shot
He was not battle tested nor he trained
But he experienced God in every aspect of his life

When David come near to Goliath
He declared with huge confidence
This day my God will deliver you into my hand
And I'll strike you down and cut your head

Goliath was angry that a young boy
Thought he could bring him down with a toy
David put the stone in his sling
The stone sank into giant's forehead with one fling

The giant fell on his face to the ground
Then He took Goliath's sword and cut off his head
When the Philistines saw their champion was dead
They threw down their swords and they fled

Each problems in life is like a giant
No matter how big and heavy they are
With faith we can do anything God call us to do
Even defeat the giants in our lives

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