Soldier of Christ

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I am a soldier of Christ
It is my choice to serve the most high
To do only what is good and right
And be a blessing to everyone's sight

Each day He trained me
In His ways , I must submit
Not to test me but to motivate me
And soon to grow in His likeness

In this world I live today
It is a battle I must win
Temptation and sin is in my way
Lure by earthly pleasure and material things

For I do not wrestle flesh and blood
But against ruler of darkness
Therefore I take up the whole armor of God
To be able to withstand in evil day

I wear the belt of truth
And breastplate of righteousness
It is my best interest and my protection
Against the schemes of the devil

I must have faith to his word
For his word is my sword
That gives life and wisdom
And to proclaim his salvation

My faith is my shield
Against fiery arrows of the evil one
I wear my gospel of shoes
To trample all the works of the devil

I wear my helmet of salvation
My identity and my glory
I can do all things through Christ
And his Spirit is with me

I am a soldier of Christ
To be His light and salt of this world
Praying in all times
Until my commander comes from above!!!

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