Take my Hand

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Take my hand and you will know
You are safe with me
And not to harm you
But to love you even at your worst

Have faith in me is all I ask
Don't be afraid nor be trouble
In days of hardship and sadness
I'll be your strenght and your comfort

Take my hand and walk in my rightiosness
No harm will overtake you
From pestilence that stalk in the darkness
Nor disaster will come near your tent

You will only observe with your eyes
And see the punishment of the wicked
For I will command my angels concerning you
To guard you in all your ways

You will call on me and I will answer
Peace and joy I bring to you
I will be with you in troubles
And I will rescue you and show my salvation

Take my hand and hold on to my promises
For my word will be your guide and light
When everything is beyond darkness
But in the end soon it will be bright

Be patience and be faithful
For I know my plan I have for you
I'll show what your life's about
Just let me work it out

For my plan is not evil to give
But to give hope and better future
For I am like a good and loving father
Who cares and provide for his children

Take my hand, take it slow
You might betray me once, betray me twice
But still I'll be faithful to you
Until you decide to love me more

But whosoever love me more than anythings else
And keep my commandments
I will honor him and long life to satisfy him
Surely goodness and favor will added to his life


Jesus Christ, my Saviour and my LordKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat