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Love is something hard to define
But through Jesus, all the answers you will find
For his love is perfect and one of the kind
To give the very best is what is in his mind

Love is patient, that is true
It has no condition and it doesn't lie
Full of understanding and has no price
It doesn't enslave but always care

His Love has no record of bad and mistake
It has space for chances and forgiveness
Love does not delight in evil and hatred
But brings hope, joy and contentment

God's love is purest form of love
Slow to anger and keep you out of danger
It is the most powerful love
It's never toxic and corrosive

His love is boundless that what the Bible says
He gave his greatest gift just for you and me
No one is deserving, yet He gave it for free
His mercy is reserving for everyone has to embrace

So let Jesus have full reign
Let Him live within your heart
Then you will know the true love
For this He will impart to you and me

Jesus Christ, my Saviour and my LordWhere stories live. Discover now