Girls are Beautiful

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Well, I'm 13, female, and this year I realized I was a lesbian. Honestly, in the beginning, I just thought I was bi, but more leaning towards females. I thought guys were douches who didn't care how females felt, they were just loud and obnoxious. Then, I started to notice girls even more. I noticed I started to ship more yuri pairing than usual, and straight ships began to seem less appealing. The thought of dating a guy didn't sound right. I accepted it finally. I was a lesbian. I honestly had no trouble with it, I just felt, free, I guess. Then, what really, really convinced me, was when my math teacher moved our seats and I sat behind this beautiful girl. I knew her name, I'd known her in fourth grade, but wow, I thought I was in love with her. She was in my science class, and I'd glimpse at her every so often, and when she noticed, my face would heat up and I'd turn away. The thing was, I didn't know if she was straight or bi or anything. So, how I came out to my mom was pretty easy, I knew one of her best friends from high school was gay. One day, I told her I had a crush, and she asked who he was? I just used "they" to talk about her. Later, after band practice one day, I was chasing this one guy around because he was annoying me. In the car when we were alone, she asked me if he was my crush. I denied it. Later, on the front porch, I had been working up the courage to tell her while she was on a smoke break alone. So, finally, I walked out and sat down. She asked me to tell the truth if that boy was my crush or not, and I said no. We were quiet, and then I told her that I didn't really like guys. She didn't seem surprised, and then asked if my crush was a girl and what she was like. I told her about my crush, and she said she was happy that I felt comfortable enough with my mom to tell her. We hugged, and I felt relieved. I did end up coming out to my brother, who actually was pretty surprised, but then shouted "I knew it!" He had been questioning it. When I told my grandmother, she said she had been guessing it since I was in fifth grade. I told my dad over a text, and he said he'd love me no matter what or who I liked. That girl, from earlier, I decided to give her a note before winter break was over. I wasn't good with expressing myself in speech, so all I wrote was "I think I love you". Cheesy, I know. After that, I rushed out of the classroom and she didn't talk to me when we got back. The first word she had ever spoken to me was when we had to do a science project together, and we didn't mention anything about the note. It hurt, but I thought I was over her, and had crushed on other girls, but I've come to realize that I still like her. All my friends are supportive, with them all being lesbian or bi or pan, and I could say I'm proud of my sexuality, and if I could tell the whole school, or world even, I would.

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