Not Alone

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name: Anna
age: 14
gender: female
sexuality: gay af

I figured out I was lesbian around 5th grade and it took me a while to accept it because no one at my school is queer or at least out, so I wasn't really used to the idea. At the beginning of 7th grade I decided to tell a few friends and they were ok with it, but were still weird about it. I told one girl and she just looked at me weird and said 'wait so you like are attracted to girls' and 'wait all those times you said u loved me... you don't actually right??' I explained everything and it was fine, but I don't think she really understands. after I came out to another girl she just said 'it's ok' a bunch of times and wouldn't let me talk. They say they accept me but whenever I mention anything about being gay they get all weird. A few weeks later my mom was asking me if I had a crush on anyone and I told her that I thought I had a crush on this girl. She just looked at me and said 'oh Anna I should have known' and then walked away. That was over a year ago and I'm trying to build up the courage to tell her that I AM lesbian but I think I might just wait. I have an asexual panromantic cousin that I talk to like every day so she's making it a lot easier because it's weird not having anyone else in my life who's lgbt+ whatever that's what the Internets for I guess.

For anyone else that feels that they're alone I'm with you and i know that in the future it'll get better ❤️

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