Chapter 1: Just An Average Day......Right?

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*Sky's P.O.V *

Skylar Hart. But my friends call me Sky. I'm your average teenage girl. LIVING IN A LONELY WORLDDDD. Just kidding, this is not going to be one of those stories. I go to the Yancy academy for the disabled children with my absolute best friend Grover. See, I'm suffering with ADHD and I'm pretty bipolar on top of that. Mom says that I'm not actually bipolar so maybe it's just apart of my makeup. You'll see what I'm talking about soon enough. We are on a trip to the Greek museum right now. Percy and I were paired up. He is how do I say, an absolute abundance of uselessness. He and I do not get along to say the least. No matter how hard Grover tries to collide his friend worlds, it never works. I don't need to spend more time with him. Ugh, What's up with Ms. Dodds? What kind of substitute teacher is she? She keeps staring over here. I'm not a freaking dolphin, look away bonehead. Mr. Brunner is cool tho. He helps me with my problems. Every time I get into a fight he and Grover help me cool down. They know how I am.

"Skylar enlighten me, what were the people who were half mortal and half god called?" Mr. B asked.

"Demigod I believe sir." I said. Like a freaking champ.

"Correct. Now let's move along." He said wheeling his way to this weird statue. 

"Good job Sky! Up top! ... Well low top. You know what I mean." Grover said next to me. I laughed and we did a weird knuckle punch. See, Grover is in crutches. That's his disability. He's been like that for as long as I can remember. I'm actually not sure why. He's just always kept it to himself.

"Mr. Jackson, could you tell me who this is?" Mr. B asked Percy standing in front of a stone painting. Percy was listening to music through his headphones. Ugh, So immature.

"Mr. Jackson." He said. I had ripped out one of his earpieces. Why listen to music right now? On a field trip. Ugh, can he be just a little cultured for once. Or at least act like it. 

"What?" He asked.

"Mr. Jackson, could you please tell the class who this is?" Mr. B asked.

"Uhhh. Perseus." He said. Took him long enough.

"Correct." Mr.B said. He asked him another question and then we continued. I heard someone call me.

"Sky! Let me speak to you for a minute." Mrs. Dodds said. 

"Why?" I asked. I don't just go anywhere someone I don't know tells me to go. Stranger danger, I know the rules.

"Mr. B wants to check out the Athena exhibit. But right over there, is more about the Perseus exhibit. Test questions will be on that. Go take a look!" She said. Well I do want those points, even though I have a 4.0 average. I should go with Grover. When I looked around I couldn't see anyone. They all went to the next exhibit. So I went to the Perseus exhibit with Ms. Dodds. 

"Wait here." She said. You just brought me here bro. Why you just gonna leave like that? Oh well shes's gone. This looks like a storage closet not an exhibit. She came back a few seconds later with HIM. Ughhh.

"Percy." I said.

"Skylar." He said back. Ugh, even his voice annoys me. You ever just hear the voice of that person you hate at school and instantly get ticked off? Yeah that's me like, right now. No one should have the right to rule over your emotions like that. Wow there's a deeper TED talk here.

"WHERE IS THE BOLT!" Ms.Dodds said while standing on something really high with a lot of bars. How the hell she get up there? Her old hips wouldn't stand a chance. Those bars don't look sturdy. I wonder... if I hit it at the right angle. Then it will coming crashing down. But wait what bolt?

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