Chapter 5: The Bull Named Luke

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*Sky's P.O.V*

I saw a HUGE eyeball.

"Hello!" The person I saw said.

"Hi?" I said.

"My name is Tyson!" He said.

"Um... I'm Sky....." I said.

"Nice to meet you!" He said.

"You too?" I said looking at the others for some sort of an explanation.

"Tyson's new to camp." Grover said clearing very little up. 

"A cyclops? So who's your parent?" I asked taking one of Anna's tater tots. It was lunch time and I'm always hungry. 

"Poseidon!" He said. I choked.

"What?" I croaked.

"Poseidon." He repeated. I looked up at Percy and Anna. They put their eyebrows up in defeat.

"Well, errr. I think that's very unique." I said.

"You never said that about me." Percy said.

"Cause you're always around, you get very annoying." I said.

"Nice to spend time with you too sweetheart." He said. I just rolled my eyes.

"Tyson, would you like to help me with something?" I asked him.

"Umm, sur- Bull."He said.

"What?" Anna asked.

"I smell bull." Tyson said.

"Yeah, that's why I needed your hel-" I started to say.

"PERCY! SKY! COME QUICK! WALL ACTION!" Someone said. I grabbed Tyson's hand and ran with him.

"Where are you taking me?" Tyson asked me.

"You're a cyclops. You legit have nothing to worry about." I said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."He said. The bull ran up at us full force. Percy came behind us. We're bout to get pummuled. 

"That's no bull." Percy said. 

"Yes, it is."  I said. I need to get more time. To find it's weak point. It's mechanic looking. There's got to be a weak spot. If only I had more time... Time... Time!

"Why does everything look like statues?" Percy asked. I looked around. The bull was in mid air. The kids were mid way running. Percy isn't though. What did I do?

"I think I just found a new power." I said. Its never happened to me before. 

"A power? You have powers?" He said. 

"Yeah, I can read minds. I'm also mad smart. My eyes change colors, I haven't figure them out yet. And now I can stop time." I said. I'm even amazed myself.

"Wow." He said. 

"It's a new power no big deal, any way you know someone named Luke?" I asked. Percy tensed.

"Yeah other than you...He is my biggest enemy like ever." He said. I don't know if I'm offended or flattered.

"Well, he poisoned a tree called Thalia's tree." I said.

"Well, we have to deal with this bull first. How are we gonna do it?" He asked.

"I need to just malfunction his circuit and cut the energy source. You know what, that doesn't matter. You won't understand anyway." I said. I went and malfunctioned the bull.

"Okay I'm done." I said.

"Okay so how do you unfreeze time?" Percy asked.

"Let figure it out." I said.

"Good cause there are other people I rather be stuck in time forever with." He said.

"Feelings mutual." I said. Time unfreeze..... Time start! Less time......  Ummmmm...... TIME! Instantly I unfroze time.  Like nothing ever happened. The Bull started to go crazy it started to run towards Percy and I. We ran but it kept running after us.

"I thought you said you malfunctioned it." Percy yelled.

"I did! I guess it found another source." vI said we ran into a dead end.

"Great!" I said. The bull came.

"Percy. What do you write with." I said.

"This is not the time!" He said.

"No Percy, what do you use in a time of need! "I said trying to get him to give me the riptide he has. I can't let the bull know what were talking about. I think this bull knows about Percy's pen. If It knows then it will go into attack mode and set fire to the whole camp.

"Hey guys." Tyson said.

"This is not the time Tyson! Run!" Percy said.

"No Tyson! Come here!" I said.

"Are you crazy are you trying to get him killed?" Percy said.

"I'm finished messing with a moron!" I said. Tyson ran over. The bull started to shoot fire at him. I went into Percy's pocket and took out the pen I clicked it and threw it into the bull's mouth since it was open thanks to Tyson. The bull started to malfunction. I heard clapping coming from the other side.

"Tyson no offense, I'm just trying to protect you. Please go away. Thanks for your help." I said.

"No problem?" He said and ran away.

"Percy Jackson." A handsome boy said.

"Luke." Percy said. Oh that's Luke. Oooo I have a plan.

"Oh this is Luke, hi I'm Skylar!" I said. I put my hand out for him to shake. I started to read his mind. 'Is she insane? She's being nice to me knowing I'm Percy's enemy. Isn't she Percy's wife or something?'

"Oh no I'm perfectly sane. I am NOT Percy's wife. I am Skylar." I said. He looked bewildered.

"Did I say that out loud?" He asked.

"Nope. Let me introduce myself a bit more. I'm Skylar Hart goddess of communication." I said.

"Oh..." He said.

"What do you want Luke?" Percy asked. I guess we can't get acquainted.

"And why did you poison Thalia's tree?" I asked.

"That's not your business." Luke said to me.

"Then why are you here?" Percy asks again.

"Because I just wanted to show you who you're messing with. I wouldn't want you to be frightened. Oh and good job with the bull, those are hard ones to catch. But that was just level one." He said. Then he took out this round thing and flashed somewhere else.

"Well, that's not the last of him." Percy said.

"PERCY! SKY!" Grover called.

"I think we should change our names." Percy said.

"Amen to that." I said. Grover came and I took his and Percy's hand.

"Think of where you're taking us Grover." I said.

"Okay." He said.

"Here's the warning you were begging for Grover." I said. We flashed to a tree. Thalia's tree.

"Thank you, see that wasn't so hard was it?"Grover asked about the warning thing.

"So what are we looking at?" I asked Chiron.

"Well, Thalia's tree was the barrier for the camp." Mr.D said.

"And it got poisoned. Wait so that's how the bull came in!" Percy said. I have to marry someone who can't put two and two.  Amazing.

"Yeah and without the barrier then we will all die." Chrion said.

"We don't have much time, so we have to think about something to cure it." I said. I looked around. My eyes landed on my favorite Cyclops. Then I got it!

"I've got something but it is a long run." I said.

"What?" Chiron asked.

"The golden fleece." I said.

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