Chapter 21: So Soon!

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*Sky's P.O.V*

"So when should we start?" Percy asked wrapping his arms around me.

"Not now. Anna and I are gonna have a spa day. I promised her after the wedding." I said.

"So ditch, we have an important matter to attend to." He said. He started to kiss my neck.

"I'm not gonna ditch Percy." I said giggling.

"Come on babe, we just got married and you're running way!"He said.

"Shut up, I haven't been spending enough girl time with her. I'm always here with your butt." I said.

"You love my butt!" He said. I squeezed it. He jumped.

"You bet your ass I do!" I said. Get it, Ass! HAHAHAHAHA. He just smirked. What a hater.

"Well, bye babe." I said I flashed to Anna's house knowing he'd lose his balance and fall.

"Hey!"Anna said. I jumped and held my chest.

"Oh Hey! Sorry, I forgot that I flashed here for a minute." I said.

"It's okay! It's nice to scare you for once. Ready to go?" She asked. I nodded and we went to the spa.

"So tell me what's up? How you been ever since the Thalia fall out?"She asked. We were taking a mineral bath.

"Wow, we haven't spoken in a minute! Well I've come to terms with the whole Thalia and Luke business. Got married in the midst of all that but you were there. I and Percy went to a gods meeting today. They told us that Percy and I have to have a baby." I said.

"What?" She said shocked.

"I know well yeah, I'm gonna be a mother soon. I mean we didn't have the big bang but, we have to have it soon." I said.

"Wow, I can't believe it. So I'm gonna be an aunt soon?" She asked. I nodded.

"I'm surprised you're so okay with all of this Annabeth. You really liked Percy not to long ago. What changed?" I asked. She's being to cool about this. She wants to be an aunt? Really?

"I'm okay with it really. I had a talk with him. He really loves you. I love you too. I'm sorry that it took you dying for me to realize it. You saved our lives. You fought along side all of us and still gave your life. I don't know one god on and off earth that would do that for us. But if there's one god I have to worship and bow to, I'm glad it's you." She said.

"That means so much to me Anna. You don't even know. I'm glad I have you that I can trust and confide in. You're like a sister to me. I know that if I die any time after my child is born that you can be there to protect them. You'll be selfless. That's all I can ask for." I said. She took a beat before finding the words to ask the next question. You can see it on her face.

"How long does it take for a god to have a baby?" She asked.

"Um... A week or two." I said.

"No wonder we have a whole camp full of them!" She said. I laughed.

"That's what I said. Hey, we should go shopping." I said.

"Yeah, this spa is starting to give me creeps." She said. There were a bunch of naked women coming in. Of all shapes and ages if you know what I mean. Our time was up so we got out and washed ourselves off. We put on our clothes, got our stuff, and went to the mall.

"Oh, let's go get some new dresses!" Anna said. We walk into an all around department store. I walk past the lingerie section when something caught my eye.

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