Chapter 11: Day 4 Part 2

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*Sky's P.O.V*

"W-what?" I said.

"I said, that I think I'm in love with you." He said.

"Oh my gosh, Percy. I-I don't know what to say." I said. I'm so confused. I heard him chuckle through my flustered gaze

"You're so gullible." He said. I punched him in the chest hard and pulled away. TIME!

"Ah! I'm sorry come on Sky I'm just joking!" He said and trying to put his arm around my waist again. I grabbed his arm and twisted it to behind his back dislocating his shoulder just as the elevator opened up. That'll teach him. I walked out.

"You get Tyson, I'll get Anna." I said and walked out leaving his helpless body on the ground. I went to Anna's room and she opened the door. A bunch of smoke came out.

"Hey, could you remind me never to cook again?" She asked. I giggled.

"Sure!" I said laughing.

"Let's go get Grover!" Anna said. We met up with the boys and went on our way to the beach. We got there. Percy's been silent the whole way. Hope I didn't hurt him too bad. We saw Luke's boat in the distance.

"How are we gonna get to the ship now?" Anna asked.

"I only know how to control water and speak to animals. Not too sure how to summon them."Percy said.

"Of course you don't." I said without thinking. I have to work on that clap back response thing now that we're cool. Before we could get into an argument. Tyson said something.

"It's okay Dad could help us." He said. He went to the water and whispered something.

"Look buddy, don't be disappointed if h-"Percy started to say. Then a Hippocampus surfaced.

"Good job Tyson!" I said I patted him on the back.

"Thanks!" He said. We all climbed on the horse. Percy guided it where to go.

"Thanks friend!" Tyson said as we were all getting off. He gave it some sugar. He is too sweet!

"Hey buddy come on!" Percy said to Tyson. He's his brother! Why is he talking to him like a dog!?! Oh, this is gonna be brought up at one of are "talks".

"Let's go guys." I said. We went inside and saw some stairs. Percy went up and I followed. Tyson tapped on my back. I looked back and saw a monster. I couldn't see what it was cause we were facing his back.

"Okay, Percy time to go go!" I said. He ran upstairs and we all followed. I looked around to observe our surroundings. I heard a bang turned and saw a manticore.

"Okay, run!" I said. We ran but we got captured by half blood. Dammit!

"Ha Ha Ha! Well well well, if it isn't the lovely couple, the traitor, and wait. Who are you?" Luke asked.

"I'm Tyson. Son of Poseidon, and Percy's brother." Tyson said.

"Poseidon has no other half blood sons." Luke said.

"I'm half Cyclops." Tyson said.

"You don't say." Luke said.

"Where is Grover!" I said.

"Grover... Grover... Oh yes! Grover! I sent him ahead with the others." He said.

"Why are you doing this?" I demanded.

"Olympus has run things for far too long! It's time for a new generation to rise!" He said.

"Listen here, we all have our mommy and daddy issues. Just because your father made a mistake doesn't mean you have to take it out on the whole world! He told me to tell you that you have every right to be mad at him but don't be mad at the world." I said.

"My father told you that! Of course YOU saw him. You're a god! You're one of them and trust me there's gonna be an end to that. You can't stop what's coming." He said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Oh baby, do I have something big planned. You know there's someone more powerful then all you gods up there. Some may call him the only God! Had to go all the way to the depths of Tartarus to get him." He said with a smirk. Kronos.

"You don't - You can't - YOU WOULDN'T DARE!" I yelled at him. Keep your cool Sky, this can go way left really quick. My prediction was true. Luke uncovered the coffin that held the remains of Kronos.

"NO!" I said. He started laughing.

"Why are you doing this? Thalia was your friend!" Anna yelled.

"Oh yeah, then why are you with him?!?"Luke countered. Anna stayed silent.

"Bring them to the Brig!" Luke said.

"You will not get away with this!" I said. We got thrown into a Brig. A freaking brig.

"Stop time." Percy said. Time!

"What?" I asked.

"We have to think of a plan." He said. If could just get to my bag! I should save my flashing energy for in case we get into a bind. It takes a huge total on me. I have to find a way for this ship to rock. Percy!

"Percy could you try to rock the boat so I could get the bag." I asked.

"Yeah sure." He said coldly. Ugh, is he still mad?!? 

"Are you still mad I left you on the ground?" I asked.

"I'm over that. I deserved it. Just be ready to get the bag when you unfreeze time." He said kneeling down to move the currents. I won't pry cause we do have to get this done. 

"No problem here we go. "I said and held onto the bars. TIME! Percy put his fingers on the floor and closed his eyes. The ship started rocking. I reached for my bag and I still couldn't get it.

"Come on baby, come on." I said.

"I'm trying!" Percy said.

"Not you! Ugh, I'm talking to the bag." I said while reaching further for the bag. I could feel his smirk. Suddenly the ship rocks to the other side very fast.

"Guys what's happening?" Tyson asked.

"Percy is trying to kill you guys!" I said. My bag finally slid in between the bars. Yes!

"Okay, Percy stop!" I said.

"Don't listen to her guys, I was not trying to kill you!" Percy said collapsing onto the floor.

"I got it." I said. I opened the bag and got the tape Hermes gave us. I applied it to the door of the cell. It disappeared instantly. I smiled and set everyone else free. Time!

"Why did you freeze time?" Percy asked.

"I want to work out a strategy." I said.

"Okay, what's the plan?" He asked.

"Alright you and I go distract Luke while Tyson and Anna go get a life boat. Then we escape with Anna and Tyson once we stop Luke. Got it?" I asked. He nodded. Damn, something is really bothering him. He started to walk over to his bag and I grabbed his arm. 

"What's up with you?" I asked. 

"Nothing." He said. I put my hand on his neck and looked into his eyes. There's something else going on. He let out a sigh and wrapped his arms around my waist. His temple fell onto my temple.

"I just really don't wanna talk about it right now. Can we talk about it later?" He asked. I nodded. I pecked his lips and hugged him. It really weird to me how we can have these cute intimate little moments in such dangerous times in such a short period of time. It's scary. I was yelling at him 4 days ago. Now we're here. The one good decision father made. I hope.

"I'm going to unfreeze time now. But we're talking about this later! You're not getting away with this that easy." I said as we pulled away.

"Okay." He said. TIME!

"Anna, Percy and I are going to try to distract the half blood guys and Luke. You and Tyson get a life boat so we can get to the golden fleece before Luke. We'll be right behind you." I said.

"Alright let's go." She said. Luke, you better watch your back. Mess with me you're getting beaten. Mess with my family you're dead!

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