Chapter 7: Day 1

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*Sky's P.O.V*

"Hey, I'll right back. Tell Grover, Tyson, and Anna to meet at my place. You go to there to." I said to Percy as I was about to flash out.

"Okay." He said and left. Dang, why can't he be this obedient all the time? I flashed to Father's house. He was sitting on his throne as if he was waiting for me.

"Hello Father." I said.

"Hello, Skylar. Aren't you supposed to be doing something. A predestined quest maybe? The fate of a camp with over 100 children are in your hands. I assigned this to you for a reason Skylar." He said.

"I know this father.  When were you going to tell me about the prophecy?" I asked.

"I wanted the oracle to tell you. We are sure now that the person is gonna be Percy. There's so much more, just go on the quest and you will find out soon." He said.

"Just tell me now. Fine wait, but I'm not a demigod the oracle said a demigod. What does the prophecy have to do with me?"I asked.

"You know the phrase 'what's mine is yours' in marriage? Well to the gods that is the same too. So whatever prophecy assign to you is assigned to you and vice versa. It's to maintain a balance. You guide, love, and protect each other." Dad said.

"Wait I'm confused." I said.

"Here's another phrase since I must bring my speech down to your level of incompetence.  Once a demigod always a demigod no matter the transformation. Yes Percy is a god now but he is still half mortal half god." He said.

"I understand. I'm going to go fulfill my quest now. Goodbye father." I said before I went batshit crazy again.

"You're dismissed. Be safe Skylar. Give Percy a chance." He said. I flashed to the front of my cabin. Give Percy a chance Skylar! Who the hell does he thing he is? I went inside and saw everyone there.

"Hey, Anna did you find a map to Circe's Island?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said. I sat down on my bed next to Grover.

"So you're going with us right? Don't make me command you and flex my title." I asked Grover.

"You know I'm not trying to die early right?" He asked.

"So that's a yes?" I asked.

"Sadly it is a yes." He said. I side hugged him. 

"Yay!"I said. I hugged him from the side.

"Woah, your eyes are really bright yellow!" Tyson said.

"Yeah they do that often. It just shows my mood." I said

"Cool, I wish my eye did that." He said.

"I think your eye is different enough." Anna said. Rude....

"Sooooo. When do we leave?" Percy asked. Wait, he's not even gonna stand up for his brother?

"Anna that wasn't cool." I said. 

"What? He's a freaking Cyclops. They're freaks of nature. Have you ever met a cyclops demigod?"She asked.

"No, have you ever survived 3,000 degrees of fire before? No? You haven't? Where were you when the bull was attacking the camp? Oh not throwing yourself in front of it? Yeah that's what I thought. Check yourself before you wreck yourself Anna. It's gonna be your downfall." I said.

"Woah don't speak to her like that. You don't know her. You don't know any of us. You've been up in Olympus having yourself a grand ole time. You come back down here like you know what we've been through. Let me ask you Skylar, how are your parents? Cause we have no clue how our parents are while we're here. Some of us may never know." Percy said.

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