Chapter 24: Return of The Titans Part 2

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*Sky P.O.V*

I flashed Percy and I up to Olympus and saw total chaos.

"I'm going to get the kids, you go fight. I'll be there soon!" I said. He nodded and pecked my lips. I hope this isn't the last time we see each other. I flashed to mom's place.

"MOM!"I screamed. I heard the babies crying, I ran to the room to see this huge gigantic cyclops. Oh no... That's the cyclops that took me away. HE IS NOT TAKING MY BABIES!

"Skylar daughter of Zeus. Long time no see!" He said.

"Stay away." I said.

"Beautiful babies!" He said reaching for them.

"Don't you DARE touch my babies!" I shouted at him.

"What are you going to do about it?" He said reaching for Harry. I froze his hand and kicked it so it would shatter to little pieces. I heard my babies giggling. Mama is coming guys.

"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The cyclops screamed falling down Mount Olympus. I smirked. I flashed my babies to the secret chamber in my house that no one knows about except for Percy and I. We had it built when the nursery was finished. I had strong feelings that something would go wrong so I had this room made. I hid them in there and the room instantly puts them to sleep. It's a protected sleeping chamber. Then I flashed to Olympus to see what's going on. The Titans were beating the gods. What if Hercules didn't follow the signs and isn't fulfilling his quest? I have to go find him. I flashed to a Greek village. I walked up to this random man.

"Hello is there a man in this village named Hercules?" I asked.

"Ha! You mean the loser that went from hero to zero?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said disappointingly.

"He's fighting a cyclops on top of the city building where the billboard is!" He said. I flashed there. It's the same bastard I just fought. I looked around and saw Hercules... he looked so weak! He was talking to a satyr. Then he got picked up by the cyclops. I know this isn't my quest but I have to do something. But then he somehow beat the cyclops! I mean he only had one arm so it wasn't that hard. Then a big pole was about to fall on him. I about to flash over but this girl pushed him and took the pole for him. That was so so sweet. Then Hercules got his strength back. It was actually pretty cool. But the mortal was still gonna die sadly. Hercules then flew up to Olympus. I then knew he was gonna fulfill the quest so I went over to the mortal.

"Hello." I said. The satyr looked at me.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Skylar, Goddess of Future and Communication!" I said. He then bowed.

"I actually would like to talk to her." I said.

"Meg?" He asked. I nodded and he moved away.

"Hey." She said.

"Hello Meg, I just wanted to thank you for saving my brother." I said.

"What can I say, people do crazy things when they're in love." She said.

"Yeah trust me, I know. I'm a nut-job when it comes to my husband!" I said we both laughed.

"I have a feeling we will see each other soon, but I have to run now." I said. She nodded. I flashed to Olympus to see no more Titans. Hercules and Hades were leaving. So Hades was behind this!

"Skylar!" I heard the voice I love to hear say. I turned around to be picked up by Percy. I hugged him tightly and he spun us around I laughed. 

"I'm so glad you're safe." I said to him. He crashed his lips on mine and I kissed back. Then we heard chimes. That means someone just became a god. I flashed Percy and I to the outside of the Olympus gates. Then Hercules came and in his arms was MEG! Everyone was rejoicing around Hercules. Father and Hera are so proud of him. In the midst of everything, I saw Meg standing by herself. She looks so lonely. I hit Hercules' arm and nodded my head to Meg. He got the message. I could just see in his eyes he loved her as much as she loved him.

"Father, this is the moment I've always dreamed of. But, a life without Meg even an immortal life would be empty. I wish to stay on earth with her." Hercules said. I smiled and Percy gripped his arm around my waist tighter.

"No need for that, we can just make her a goddess. She's obviously showed true heroism when she took her life for yours!" Father said. Wow, interesting to see how he treats Hercules and how he treated me. Interesting! I'm gonna drop it for now. The chimes chimed again and Meg was a goddess. It was a good day.

"What about the babies?" Percy asked worriedly.

"I put them in the sleeping chamber." I said.

"Skylar!" I heard a voice say. I turned and saw Meg.

"Hey! Told you I'd see you soon!" I said with a giggle. I saw Hercules walking behind her.

"Hi Hercules." I said.

"Hi?" He said confused.

"I'm your sister Skylar, well Sky for short. Sorry, I couldn't meet you earlier but you had to fulfill your quest. I only got to meet Meg and Phil." I said.

"I have a sister?" He asked.

"Yeah but I'm your big sister!" I said.

"Nice I always wanted a sibling!" He said. I smiled. It's all I've ever wanted too.

"Who's this?" Meg asked looking at Percy.

"Oh, this is my husband." I said with a smile.

"I'm Percy!" He said. He shook Meg and Hercules' hand.

"So when's your guys' wedding?" I asked.

"One day." Hercules said smiling at Meg. She smiled back. They are just so cute!

"Wanna meet your nephew and niece?" I asked Hercules.

"I'm an uncle. How long was I gone?" He asked. I laughed.

"Trust me it literately took a week to have them." I said I flashed all of us to my house.

"Percy, can you get the kids?" I asked he nodded.

"Can we all flash to places?" Meg asked.

"No It's just cause of my powers. I mean we all have powers but it takes a while to find them"I said. They nodded.

"So my strength?" Hercules asked.

"Yup, that was an easy one to find I bet. Not all of us are specific gods. Some of us are just citizens of Olympus." I said as I heard those adorable giggles. I looked and saw my beautiful babies.

"Meg, Hercules. Here are our little bundles of joy. Harry and Christina!" Percy said. I smiled as Hercules held them both and then Meg held Christina. Today was a good day. It's all good days from here on out. Right?

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