Chapter 15: Day 6 Part 2

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*Sky's P.O.V*

Luke is letting Kronos out. Which was inevitable. Is me dying inevitable? I'm gonna send a mind message to Percy to get this show on the road.

Get out of the ropes by your riptide. Let Grover out also, then go to stop Luke. I'll be right behind you.

"Anna if I don't make it, I want you to know that I love you. You're one the closest friends I've got. You're one of the only people I trust. So I need you to take care of them if anything happens!" I said to her flashing out of my ropes.

"I love you to Sky!" She said. I got her out of the ropes and we hugged.  A wave of half bloods came towards us. Anna let Clarisse free while I fought them. The three of us took care of them while grover covered Percy. I looked over and saw Percy hugging Tyson?!? I thought he was dead. That's so sweet though. Wait, Kronos! Just as I thought that there was a huge blast! Kronos is out. He's actually out. I saw Grover fighting half bloods left and right. Anna and Clarisse were fine. I flashed over to him. Ahhh! It hurts so bad. I help him fight them. Then Anna and Clarisse were in a bind. I looked over and saw Percy in Kronos' hand. 

"Grover go help Anna and Clarisse." I said. He nodded and ran over there. I finished off the last half bloods on our side and went over to Percy.

"Hey! Kronos!" I said. He looked down at me and picked me up with his other hand.

"Ahh both my grandchildren. So sad my children aren't going to be here for this. Maybe you'll all be reunited in my stomach!" He said.

"That's what you think. Wait till you see what your sons have planned. " I said trying to buy Percy some time to get the riptide from the small crevice in Kronos' grasp.

"My sons couldn't defeat me again if they tri-ahhhhh!" He started to said but Percy finally got it out. Kronos dropped me and I fell onto the ground. When I got up there was this sharp pain that went through me. I looked up and it was the manticore. This is how it ends I guess. It went straight through my power tank at my weakest moment. You hate to see it.

*Percy's P.O.V.*

"They don't need to. I'm the one who's defeating you." I said as I slid my riptide down Kronos' body. I landed on the ground and Kronos was trapped back in his coffin. I went and grabbed the fleece. Sky's gonna be so proud of me. I mean, I'm proud of me. Where is everyone? I looked around and saw the gang in a crowd. I went over and saw Sky on the floor . She had a bad injury but, she was glowing. It looked like a special liquid was seeping out of her. 

"Sky! No no no, don't do this!" I said.

"I love you Percy." She said then she started to drift off. THE FLEECE! I grabbed the fleece and covered it over her.

"Come on sky, wake up. Come on!" I said. I kissed her lips hoping true love's kiss would fix this like Disney movies.

"Come on!" I said doing chest compression. I don't know I'm trying everything. The tears kept flowing down as I waited for something to give me some hope.  The fleece started to glow.

"Percy." She said. I smiled. I wiped away my tears.

"What happened? Are you okay?"She asked with her beautiful voice.

*Sky's P.O.V*

I woke up and Percy was on the ground crying over me.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Am I okay? I tell you about it later babe." He said. I got up and Grover hugged me. What's going on. I just remember being in Kronos' hand and dropping down. Did I puncture something? Was the fall that bad? Did I faint? Ugh, I'm still pretty tired. Let's just go home. 

"Let's go home?" I asked.

"Hell yes!" Grover said.

"I'll flash you guys back one by one." I said. 

"Um no, let's risk the flight back. You've used your powers enough for one day." Percy said. He's right. I can't go through that pain again. We just sailed the boat to Florida and took a plane back to New York. We got back to camp and rested for a whole day. The next night Percy and I laid in a hammock together on the beach and processed.

"This was a pretty eventful quest!" He said.

"Yup, you can say that again." I said.

"We're together. Isn't that wild?" He asked. I nodded.

"I can see the future." I said. 

"Isn't that wild?" He asked. I nodded.

"We survived." I said.

"Well some of us did. Some of us were more stubborn than others." He said. I elbowed him and he fell off the hammock.

"That's not the case and you know it." I said.

"If you had just rested instead of saving everyone your power tank would've been fine." He said. He's right.

"You know I'm right." He said.

"We need to go get some sleep. Our sleep schedules are screw as is. Might as well try to get them back on track. I'll see you tomorrow tho?" I said to him changing the subject.

"Alright see ya babe." He said.

"Bye babe." I said. He peck my lips and went to his cabin. Damn! Thank gods this quest is finally over!

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