Chapter 10: Day 4 Part 1

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*Sky's P.O.V*

I woke up from a very sleepless night and put this on

I woke up from a very sleepless night and put this on

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I went and knocked on Tyson's door and woke him. By the time I finished getting ready it was like 4:30 AM. I thought I'd wake up everyone and get started to get Grover.

"Hi Sky, were leaving already?" He said.

"No, I just thought I'd wake everyone up. Quicker we're up then the quicker we get Grover." I said.

"Oh okay, thanks!" He said. He closed his door and I went to Anna's Door. I knocked.

"Time to go?" She asked.

"No, I just thought I would wake everyone up." I said.

"Okay, we have and hour and a half. So I'll just get ready." She said.

"Alright, make breakfast or something!" I said.

"Okay see ya." She said. I went to Percy's door. Here we go, let's see if last night was a fluke or not. I knocked and he came to the door in only his boxers. This is kinda how he looked

 This is kinda how he looked

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"H-hey." I said.

"Hey." He said half awake. Glad someone could sleep last night.

"U-um I'm just telling everyone to wake up cause it's like 4:30." I said stuttering. What the hell is wrong with me. I never lose my cool like this. Get yourself together Sky.

"Enjoying the view? My eyes are up here!" He said. I was probably checking him out absentmindedly. This is probably how he feels when he comes to my door.

"Um no, I just wanted to wake you up we have to go soon." I said.

"We don't leave for like an hour in a half. Chill, want to come in?" He asked.

"Uh, sure." I said.

"You can watch TV or something while I get ready." He said walking to the bathroom. I watched TV for a while, which is actually weird. The only thing close to TV I got in Olympus was studying. I never realized how much I didn't miss it. It's straight trash now that I know what I know. I'm pretty thirsty. I walked to the mini fridge and got some water. Great, now I have to pee. Where's the bathroom. Here we are. I knocked on the door and didn't hear anything. Let me knock one more time. I knocked again and I didn't hear anything. Unlocked. I walked in and saw Percy shirtless but this time with a towel around his waist. I screamed and covered my eyes. He just started laughing.

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