I'm Pregnant

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Two months. It's been two months since Kurt found out he was a carrier. Two months since he and Blaine thought they were safe and had sex. Two months since he found out he was pregnant and now here he was pacing back and forth in his room, a hand over his hardly noticeable bump. Kurt was a nervous wreck as he mumbled to himself until a soft knock made him stop and then the door opened to reveal Blaine, smiling but his eyes showed worry. Kurt felt conflicted because he didn't know he would ever put Blaine in this situation and one sentence could either continue their relationship or ruin it. But part of him hoped it would be some sort of good because a baby with Blaine would be magical to say the least. He'd find himself thinking about it from time to time.

"Kurt?" Blaine said, stepping in the room. Kurt looked at him and tears pricked his now grey eyes. The words were there but if only he could get them out.

"Blaine...I-I...I'm so sorry." Kurt sniffed and Blaine grabbed both of Kurt's hands, stroking his knuckles. Kurt looked down at his feet but Blaine made him lift his head before saying.

"Whatever it is can't make me love you less."

Kurt's tears fell as he made his decision and brought Blaine's hands under his shirt and over his small bump. Blaine gasped quietly before he felt around and knelt down, his eyes taking in the sight. Kurt placed both of his own hands over his mouth as a sob left his throat. He squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the fateful words. He waited for Blaine to push him away. He waited for the accusations and the hateful words. He waited for the sound of his footsteps walking away from him as another loud sob left his throat along with a plead as he covered his face.

"Please...please don't leave me. Please Blaine. Oh god I'm sorry. Please don't hate me."

Kurt waited before he felt arms wrap around his hips and lips pressing softly to his stomach. He sniffled and wiped his eyes to see Blaine smiling after placing soft, loving kisses on Kurt's bump. Tears fell down his cheeks and smeared on Kurt's belly but he didn't care as he whispered against the beautiful stretched skin.

"Your baby. My baby. OUR baby."

That just made Kurt cry harder as Blaine looked up at him with some tears still unshed as he stared up at his boyfriend and stood up, taking Kurt's cheeks in his hands delicately and kisses him lovingly. Kurt kissed back, clinging to Blaine as if afraid that he will slip from his fingers. But he didn't. Blaine kissed him once more before breaking for air and moves back down to kiss his belly again before whispering so only Kurt, Blaine and the baby could hear. A private vow for just them.

"I promise to protect you both with my life." He kisses the bump twice before caressing it with his thumb softly. "I love you little bean and promise to tell you that everyday and every night." He stood up and took both of Kurt's hands and locked them with his, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. The eyes that he fell in love with and the eyes he hope their child will have. Their child. Theirs. He kisses Kurt again and Kurt smiles slightly. Blaine bumps his nose with Kurt's and hugs him, spinning him carefully. Kurt laughs and holds onto him as Blaine laughs. He then puts Kurt back on his feet and Kurt knows. He can tell that Blaine really wants this. He wants the baby. When they cuddle under the covers in Kurt's bed, Blaine just can't seem to keep his hand off the bump as he rubs it, caresses it, kisses it, smiles at it. Kurt falls in love a little more with each touch and again when Blaine whispers in his ear.

"I love you Kurt Hummel. I love you so much."

Kurt smiles at his boyfriend and really looks into his eyes to see love, adoration, pride and pure happiness. He knows there'll be hell but knowing he has his family and Blaine by his side, maybe things might not be so bad and he holds onto that thought as he curls up in Blaine's arms at his boyfriend's suggestion to take a nap. Kurt kisses the spot on Blaine's chest where his heart is and lets sleep take him over as Blaine rubs his back. 'This feels right.' Blaine thinks before he and Kurt put a combined hand over his bump and falls asleep. Three hours later that's how Burt finds the two. He smiles at the sight of his son being held protectively in Blaine's arms. He closed the door back quietly before nodding at Carole and heads downstairs. When he hears soft footsteps 30 minutes later he turns from the TV to see Blaine who looks as if he now understands the situation. Burt stands and just opens his arms, motioning for Blaine to come for a hug. Blaine launches himself at Burt and lets out a shaking breath before one tear fell after another. He didn't regret anything he said before but instead was afraid of the things Kurt would be going through. Things he couldn't imagine happening to his boyfriend. Burt pulled Blaine back and made him look at him as he sat the boy down on the couch.

"Do you still love my son because if you tell me you can't go through with this like that Puck kid, I swear Blaine I won't accept that." Burt said. Blaine wiped his eyes and looks at Burt.

"I love Kurt so much and I would never regret this or anything we have. He's my life and so is that baby. It's a mix of both of us and I won't force him to give it up if he wants to keep it. If he doesn't then I'll still be here."

"I know you're scared. I am too. Hell even Finn and Carole are too. What you two have can't be broken and I promise that we are going to help you in every way possible."

"Thank you." Blaine hugs Burt again and sniffs as Burt pats his back. He soon lets go and hands Blaine some tissue. Together they devise a plan and tell Finn. The taller boy promises to step up his game and gives Blaine a hug instead of a fist bump because 1) Blaine really needed a hug and 2) he saw Blaine as a brother in law now instead of a friend. When Blaine went back upstairs to Kurt's bedroom he saw the boy lying awake and climbed back into bed, pecking his lips softly. Kurt smiles and pecks back, curling up in Blaine's arms. Blaine just laid there, rubbing Kurt's back and belly as he whispered into the darkness of the room.

"Nothing can harm you. Not while I'm around."

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