Excerpt 1A: The Trial

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SLAM SLAM brought Kurt out of his thoughts as he looked around and stood with everyone in the court room but not without a little help from his father. The judge was a female about 6'1 with fair skin and brunette hair. "The honorable Judge Tiana Bankson presiding. You may sit." The bailaif said and everyone sat except Kurt, Burt, Jack's lawyer Lou, Kurofsky, Azimio, Rick and their lawyer David Thompson.

"Bailaif, read the case." Judge Bankson said. "Case 320, Hummel v.s Kurofsky, Davis and Nelson." The Bailaif handed over the case file that included the case, medical records and also photos taken by the police. On the inside, Judge Bankson wanted to vomit and cringe so hard, her teeth fall out but on the outside she let her anger and straight face show before looking over at a tiny, shaking Kurt who was trying to lean less on his father and more on a kind of bedazzled cane. The boy's eyes held zero emotion, it was like he was a zombie dragged in here. Judge Bankson cleared her throat and looked at Kurofsky, Azimio and Rick.

"Mr. Thompson, do you understand the crimes of which your clients are charged with?" "Yes your honor, I do and I'm prepared to say that I do not believe that they did it. I think that Mr. Hummel just chose my clients because he thinks that they were the ones who attacked him." Mr. Thompson said with a hidden smirk. "Who's to say that in Mr. Hummel's delirium, he didn't dream up his attackers?"

"Objection! Objection, your honor!" Lou, Kurt's lawyer said. "I'll allow it Mrs. Morrison." "If it pleases the court, I'd like to call my first witness to the stand Ms. Quinn Fabray, a loyal friend to Mr. Hummel and a part of his protection group instgated by a Mr. Blaine Anderson and included Ms. Fabray, Mr. Noah Puckerman, Mr. Finn Hudson and Ms. Santana Lopez." Lou read off a piece of paper. Judge Bankson nodded. "I'll allow it." Quinn stands from her seat behind Kurt and walks through the tiny double doors separating the front of court from the back. When she walked by, she grabbed Kurt's free hand gently and gave him a small smile even if he didn't smile back. Quinn then proceeded to walk up to the witness stand and sat down. Mr. Thompson came up to her.

"Ms. Fabray, where were you on the day that Mr. Hummel was attacked?" "I was in the Choir Room with the rest of the Glee Club." Quinn said. "Mmm so how can you say that you are a witness to what happened to Mr.Hummel when you were not in the gymnasium?" Mr. Thompson asked. "I may not have been in the gym but even before all of that and the protection group, I've seen Kurt being bullied verbally and physically. It stopped some when the group was made until That day." "Ms. Fabray, what is your deep relationship with Mr. Hummel?" "We're friends, I see him like a brother." "I see and what was it like before all of this? Were you friends before?" "No and I regret that." Quinn said, looking at Kurt who still had an emotionless look on his face.

"That's enough questions." Mr. Thompson said, walking back to his desk.

Day 2

"Mr. Hudson, what is your relationship with Mr. Hummel?" Finn took a deep breath and sat up straight.

...~...Earlier that day...~...

A soft knock was heard on Kurt's bedroom door but the boy didn't answer so the door opened and revealed a somber Finn. Kurt was just sitting in a corner with just his boxers and a white undershirt on. He was resting his head on his knees, staring at the wall. Finn knew that this happened occasionally and sat next to Kurt. Kurt didn't acknowledge Finn, didn't move or speak until a whole five minutes of silence, Kurt spoke.

"When does it get easier Finn? When does the heartbreak and missing her stop?" Finn sighed and looked away from the wall to look at Kurt who's position was the same. "I don't know. Maybe it's up to you and maybe it's up to time." "It's just...being in that courtroom, hearing that they deny what happened...do you know how much that kills me?" A sob broke through Kurt's words as his eyes took to a stormy grey and in a second, hot tears were beginning to fall down his cheeks. Finn put his arm around Kurt's shoulders and pulled him close, hugging him as Kurt sobbed and clung to Finn.


"Kurt and I never used to be friends before glee club and back then all I cared about was being popular. Then came Glee Club and though it was wild before how it is now, we became a family in that room. I saw Kurt as a friend I could trust and then eventually our parents got together and married and then we became brothers. Normally people would call it step brothers but I say he's the brother I wish I had." Finn said, wishing that Kurt would at least look up but his brother was yet again avoiding a sneer by Kurofsky and Azimio by looking down at his lap. Lou cleared her throat. "If it's not too much to ask, can you explain what happened after Mr. Anderson received a phone call from Mr. Hummel in distress?" Finn took another deep breath and nodded, clearing his throat.

"Well Blaine, Puck and I ran out of the Choir Room and that's when Blaine noticed that there were chains and a broom attached to the door as if something was blocked in. We took that down and this horrible smell just flooded out but Blaine ran in and so did Puck and I..." Finn stopped to take a breath, fearing the tears that would come. He looked at Burt and his mom, who needed to know what happened but his mom was already about to cry, he looked at Blaine who's eyes were shut tight, at Puck, Quinn, Santana and finally, at Kurt who was trying not to cry. Lou leaned close to whisper to Finn.

"Take your time."

Finn nodded and cleared his throat before continuing. "W-we ran in and saw Kurt on the ground passed out around a pool of blood, his own blood, covered in spit, bruises, open wounds and then we knew." Finn took another breath as Lou asked him a question. "Knew what?" Finn couldn't hide the crack in his voice as he heard the voices of that day in his head.

"That the baby was gone. I called 911 and soon we were all waiting for any news. I was praying that Kurt and the baby would be okay." "But it wasn't." Lou said and Finn shook his head, biting his lip. Finn looked up from his shaking hands at a fully broken, tear stained look on Kurt's face. He looked at the Judge who nearly cringed out of sadness and nodded before Kurt stood up with the help of his cane and left the room as quick as he could.

Day 10

Finally after truthful and untruthful testimonies, it was Kurt's turn to tell his story. The mic was up close to him because when he spoke, it was just raspy and cracked. Sobbing and screaming in your sleep night after night does that to you. Blaine didnt look okay either as he was resting his head on his mother's shoulder. Kurt answered the questions the best he could without becoming a big baby and crying but he was just so tired. Tired of coming back to the same room, seeing the same people, same evil faces, hearing the story over and over. "Your honor if I may, we've finally received our...last piece of evidence given to us by a cheerleading coach at McKinley" "Proceed Ms. Morrison." Judge Bankson said. Lou nodded and placed the surveilance tape in the VCR and Kurt could help but look as he watched himself enter the gym and soon get physically attacked. He could feel the bile travelling up but he couldn't look away as the three stopped before continuing and Kurt's screams and howls of pain grew louder at the Judge had the bailaif shut it off.

Kurt was helped back to his friends and family before clinging to Blaine kind of hard but Blaine didnt care. Nothing else cared as Judge Bankson asked the jury the big question. "We the jury find David Kurofsky, Azimio Davis and Rick Nelson guilty of murder, lying in court and abandonment."

Judge Bankson slammed her gavel down twice. "No bail. Sentence is life." She said before the court soon cleared out and Kurt and Blaine clung even tighter to each other and cried. Their friends and family cried and celebrated with them.

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