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Throat Explosion was crazy good and Vocal Adrenaline tried their best to top the performance and the sound of their routine blasted down to the green room of the New Directions who were sitting around, stricken with grief and pain. It hurt too much to speak nor even try to practice further than they did. They just kept seeing the image of Lucas with a breathing tube, red and scarred but so still. Suddenly Finn's phone rang and if it wasn't for the name on the screen, he wouldn't have answered the phone. He slid accept and put the phone to his ear. "Hello?...Mom?...He-He-He what? Are you kidding? Really?!" Everyone looked at him. "What is it Finn?" Sam asked. Finn watched his phone switch from phone call to video call and he urged everyone to come close and what they saw made them sigh in relief, tears falling. Lucas had a cannula in his nostrils and he still looked small in the big hospital bed but his eyes were open and brighter than ever. Kurt was holding the phone while laying carefully close to Lucas, Blaine was on the other side. He's finally awake and less red than they saw him last. "Hey buddy. How are you feeling?" Finn asked gently and Lucas just coughed a wheezy cough and he had to remember how to breathe through the cannula. "His throat is getting better with the antibiotics they're giving him. They want to do a few scans to see if it's gone but all in all, he's okay." Kurt's voice broke at the end, stroking his thumb gently over Lucas' forehead. "We wanted you guys to know. We know you'd rather be here with us than there." He continued. "Damn right." Puck said. "We're going to get our asses handed to us." "No, no you won't. We're the New Directions. We don't accept defeat. Whenever have we? Don't do it for the trophy or for the prize. Find something to do it for and make that carry you guys through. We'll be watching so don't screw up." Blaine said, joking at the end which made everyone smile. It was almost time when Lucas looked like he was trying to say something. "No baby, don't speak if it hurts." Mercedes said, not wanting to see the boy suffer and struggle. He coughed and whimpered before he whispered in a rough voice. "" The girls sniffled and the guys gave a watery smile. "We will. We promise you little buddy." Sam said. The lights flickered and they had to go. They said goodbye and Finn hung up. "Lets go win Nationals." Puck said. He got all the guys together and pulled a piece of music sheet from his pocket. The guys oohed and rubbed their hands together in anticipation along with the band. "Think it's time we took what was ours, boys. For little dude?" The girls were looking at one song and Tina smiled as Brittany seemed to make up some quick, sensual dance while Rachel thought of the lining. They soon got on stage and told Mr. Schue of their plans. The boys would go first, the girls second and everyone at the end. He agreed and wished them luck as the girls went off to the side and the boys got into position. They were introduced as the curtain rose. From the hospital, Kurt, Blaine, Burt, Carole, Ben, Lyla, Nick, Wes, David and Jeff were watching the competition from Kurt's laptop. Lucas was asleep against Kurt's chest, breaths still coming out wheezy but the antibiotics were helping lessen the swelling of his throat. The toddler squirmed, a tiny cough escaping his lips along with a whimper. Kurt watched as Lucas seemed to calm but also wake. Blaine stroked his hair and Lucas yawned, turning his head towards Blaine. The band began to play the rock music and Kurt and Blaine looked at the screen in shock.

(Finders keepers, losers weepers)
Puck kept a straight face as a spotlight shined on him walking down the stairs. Finn followed him.
Welcome to the end of eras
Ice has melted back to life
Done my time and served my sentence
Dress me up and watch me die
(Puck and Finn:)
If it feels good, tastes good
It must be mine
Dynasty decapitated
You just might see a ghost tonight

And if you don't know, now you know

The boys broke into the chorus as the lights on the stage lit up and they danced as one. Even Artie put a little badass in his moves with articulate and quick spins. The girls cheered with the crowd, barely holding back the fanning.

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