Hey Brother

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Finn awoke to the sound of clattering and doors closing along with whimpering. It's been five days since Kurt and Blaine arrived with the girls and Lucas in a frightened manner. Kurt couldn't stop crying the whole day from the moment he sat on the couch with Lucas clinging to him. He was silent except for when he started to sob. Burt and Ben got together with Lyla and Lou to figure how to take action against what happened. Blaine tried his best to push his own fears down in order to take care of Lucas and Kurt. It amazed Finn everytime he caught Blaine hugging a sobbing Kurt with no words, how he helped Kurt eat until he could it himself and turned to Lucas to do the same before eating himself, by playing with Lucas and keeping him busy while Kurt napped with Blaine and Lucas in close proximity so when Kurt woke up, he wouldn't scream with worry. Blaine was more than he looked and Finn admired that the more he thought about it. Finn heard the clattering again and got up to check the noise, coming down carefully to see Kurt trying to make hot milk while holding up Lucas with one arm. Finn could see Kurt's distress and whispered so he wouldn't scare his brother.


Kurt turned when he heard his name and saw Finn slowly coming into the light of the kitchen. Kurt was silent as he looked up at Finn and soon he was hugging the giant man. Finn wrapped his arms carefully around Kurt and Lucas so he wouldn't crush them. The wetness he felt on his shirt answered his silent question as he rubbed Kurt's back with one hand. With the other, he moved the pot away and turned off the stove before bringing Kurt to the kitchen table and put Lucas in his highchair. He fixed the hot milk the way he knew he and Kurt liked it when Finn had troubles. He warmed up some cookies and gave Kurt some tissues. Finn then warmed up the same hot milk for Lucas but not too hot as he brought it over to the kitchen table, sitting down across from Kurt. The silence had went on for five minutes while the three drank their milk and had their cookies until Kurt spoke in a cracked whisper from crying so much. "Will we ever go home again?" He bit his trembling lip as he hid his face in his hands. Finn sat in silence before grabbing Kurt's hands and moved them. Kurt looked at Finn and Finn looked at Kurt. "You will. Home is never a place you know? It cane be someone or somewhere special. It doesn't have to be a place full of walls." Kurt slowly nodded and Faithland came to mind. The serene sights, the clean, crisp air, the mountains, the morning rides on horseback, the endless naps near the fireplace and the freedom. Freedom. Kurt thought freedom was New York but when he went as a last stop from the trip, it was too loud, too busy, too packed, more metal and lights than green trees and grass. All he saw was endless buildings instead of mountains and the only horses he saw were police horses.

But he still put on a fake smile when Rachel talked to him about living there and Blaine putting in his thoughts. When their backs were turned, Kurt frowned at the thought of a shoebox apartment, sharing roommates, catching buses and taxis together. He looked out the window of an apartment and couldn't hide his disappointment as the city that used to spark hope into the old Kurt no longer made him smile but instead homesick. But not for Lima. When he pressed his head to the chilled glass, he was reminded of the first time he walked in the cabin house.

Kurt smiled at the countryish look of the cabin like home. A live fireplace crackled and filled the room with warmth and glow, a soft wolf fur blanket laid over the back of a couch with two armchairs flanking it. It was perfect and serene and felt like home. From the moment his foot crossed the threshold, the warmth of soft cookies being baked in the oven and a warm fire against the cool night seemed to welcome Kurt to a place of serenity and peace.
Kurt turned and gawked at the view of the mountains and lands with Faithland just far ahead. It was breathtakingly beautiful. When Blaine realized Kurt wasn't near him he turned around and watched Kurt as he leaned his head back and smiled big as he took a deep breath and listened to nothing but the wind and some times the horses' snorts. Blaine quietly rode up next to Kurt and grabbed a hand and raised it and their empty hands to their sides as if opening their arms for the sun.

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