Six Months Later

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Blaine unlocked the door to his and Kurt's apartment that was a gift paid in full from Kurt's parents, Blaine's parents and grandparents. There was a state of the art kitchen, comfy soft couches, mahogany coffee table, flat screen tv and mahogany chest filled with Disney movies, musicals and other movies. There was a big enough bathroom with porcelain sinks and toilet, bathtub and shower with sliding doors. But it didn't compare to the master bedroom. Wooden floors, furry carpets by the bed, four post poster bed with a carved headboard and two side tables. There was a walk in closet that Kurt could never stay out of and in the last room next to the guest room was the nursery. Kurt wanted to keep it at simple warm cream and soft gold walls with white boarders, dark wood crib with Margaret Thatcher dog in the corner, a matching rocking chair by the window, cream carpet and changing table stocked with diapers to last a long time thanks to Puck who bought the diapers. Blaine placed his school bag down by the door and called out to his husband who was doing online McKinley courses since it was in everyone's best interest including Principal Sue, who became principal after the whole trial mess and quoted that Figgins hardly gave a crap about the students' well-being even when he had not just one but two pregnant teens in his school, one who went through a brutal beating and lost their child against their will. McKinley was a better place now and Sue decided to let Kurt take his classes online as a late wedding gift and he would still be able to perform in Glee Club and participate in graduation. Kurt didn't want to go to prom to avoid any trouble not mention it's in the gym and he'd rather not walk in that place again.

"Kurt? You here?" Blaine called out again and walked into the living room to see Kurt on the couch, legs crossed, half folded baby blanket across his nine month bump while there was a whole basket of unfolded baby clothes in front of him and folded pairs. Kurt was just snoring away with his mouth open which made Blaine take a picture before he fixed the baby blanket, moved the basket onto the coffee table and covered his husband with a blanket before he took the small pile of folded pairs and the basket to the nursery. He folded and put the clothes away as well as fixed dinner because he knew that Kurt was not supposed to move a lot since he could pop any day now and though he felt bad about going to school physically while Kurt was here with only Burt or his parents to check on Kurt, he just couldn't help but get excited because they had made it past the "dreaded six month" period that seemed to put Kurt on alert whenever he stepped outside or in public. He only let people he trusted come near him or touch his stomach, Blaine had to always say where he was going and where he was when Kurt called out to him in the house. The doctor had told Blaine that it was just a PTSD event that Kurt went through and this is how he wanted to deal with it. Kurt even liked to sleep with one bedside light on and every window and door checked and locked. Even though Ben had a security system set up, Kurt still asked Blaine every night to check. When the sixth month passed, everyone watched as Kurt became a little calmer and less alert than before and the baby shower was more than a shower but a celebration for the little survivor and it's parents.

Now here Kurt and Blaine were at nine months ready to greet their baby girl or boy any day now. He had just put away the last bundle when he felt arms or rather hands wrap around his waist and a big bump behind his back. He smiled and turned to see his messy headed, bleary eyed husband gazing up at him. Blaine kissed him hello and Kurt pecked back, pouting playfully.

"I didn't hear you come in." He said in a tiny voice that made Blaine chuckle. "I'm sorry but you were sleeping so I straightened you out and covered you up. How was your day?" He rubbed his husband's bump and smiled when Kurt moved to curl up close to Blaine's chest. "Long and this one wouldn't stop making me pee. I had a untimed French test and could barely get through it. Then I finished and went to do the laundry and started to fold until I fell asleep. How was yours?" Kurt yawned and let Blaine lead him out of the nursery and to their bedroom. Marble, their grey Italian Greyhound puppy, peeked up from his spot on the bed when the couple entered the room and Blaine smiled, scratching Marble behind his ears before helping Kurt sit. "It was alright. Couple of tests, ate lunch with everyone, came home, dinner is cooking in the oven and now I'm here with you and our little one and even you, Marble." He kissed the dog's head and smiled before looking at his husband. "Any pain? Cramps?" Kurt just shook his head and moved to lay back. "Just light movements and a lot of peeing. How's Glee?" Blaine sighed. That's another thing he hates to be happy about because he loves Glee Club and he loves everyone there but he hates that Kurt isn't there there to perform with them. He knows Kurt wishes he could be there but with someone in his condition so close to their labor date, anything could happen and Blaine would rather Kurt be with his parents or Blaine's parents in the audience. "It's alright I guess. I still wish you were there but I have to think about not just you. Everyone always asks about you though including Mrs. Pillsbury." Kurt nodded and rubbed Marble's side. "I wish I was there too but I'd be no help. I'll take to sitting in the audience. So what's for dinner?"

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