How Far I'll Go

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Kurt and Blaine sat in the choir room facing each other, unopened college letters in hand while their other hand was clasped in each others as they took a nervous breath. They had long avoided talking about college or even opening the letters ever since the wedding and Lucas. They were still deep in the honeymoon phase but with graduation not too far away and Mr. Schue getting melancholy about Glee Club coming to a bittersweet end, Kurt and Blaine felt it was time to take the letters out from the drawer and open them. They stared at the letters for moment before laughing.

"We shouldn't be this nervous. Why are we nervous?" Kurt asked. Blaine let out a soft chuckle before looking at his own letter. "I mean it's just a piece of paper with words on it...words that say whether we got accepted or not...words that determine if we get the hell out of here or if we're stuck here in this homophobic town for another year or so." Kurt started to freak out as he got up and paced, waving the letter around. "We can't stay here Blaine. I know all of our family is here and everything but we can't stay here. We can't raise Lucas around all of this." Blaine nodded in agreement and got up to stop his husband from pacing. "Hey, hey look at me. We're going to get in, we're going to get out of here and we're going to be happy without worrying about looks in the coffee shop or the mall or even the grocery store. Even if we don't get in, there's other schools. If not NYADA then Parsons, NYU, Julliard or anywhere. Okay?" Kurt nodded and sighed, letting Blaine hug him. They soon separated to open their letters and took hands as they opened their eyes to read.

"Dear Mr. Hummel, let me say that I found your performance and your audition star worthy however I regret to say that-" Kurt's face deflated as he let go of Blaine's hand in order to turn and walk as he read to himself. Blaine watched him in confusion and interest until he noticed the way Kurt's legs wobbled and his body shook. Blaine ran over and caught Kurt in his arms as the first sob left Kurt's lips. "Kurt?" Blaine sat down on the floor with Kurt, rubbing his back as he hugged him. Kurt just sobbed and clung to Blaine, the letter still in his hand. Once he had calmed down, he sat back on his knees to wipe his eyes and take a deep breath before speaking, looking up at Blaine with dejected, red eyes and a wet face. Blaine had his own dimmed, saddened red eyes full of tears. "I didn't get in." They said together before bringing their foreheads close, sniffling. Blaine wiped Kurt's tears from his cheeks and kissed his husband's forehead. Kurt gave a small smile and let his head turn so Blaine continued his trail of comfort kisses. Carmen Tibideux didn't hate their performances but simply told them she loved it so much to see that they didn't need NYADA to be stars.

They picked up their next letters- Julliard for Blaine and Parsons for Kurt. They read it and nearly screamed their hearts out like teenage girls seeing Justin Bieber. They pulled each other into a tight hug and Blaine lifted Kurt up to spin him, laughing with tears. Kurt nuzzled his head into Blaine's shoulder as he smiled and giggled. They pulled back to look at each other and just knew. They knew and kissed deeply, Blaine putting Kurt on the piano while still kissing him. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck as he kissed his husband with passion that they didn't notice their friends coming in or hear the bell. The couple soon broke apart to chuckle and smile despite the tears falling. Kurt stroked Blaine's cheek and pressed his forehead against his.

The moment was broken when Mr. Schue came in and clapped, breaking Kurt and Blaine's concentration and they blushed as Blaine helped Kurt down and together they picked up their letters, smiling at each other, before heading back to their seats. They never let go of each other's hands as they listened to Mr. Schue or even when they were let out. Mercedes, Tina, Rachel and Quinn smiled at them before hopping into Kurt's Navigator. "So what was that on the piano? Seemed pretty serious." Quinn spoke up. "Yeah, you two seemed happy sad which has only happened a few times about whether Kurt should cut his hair and Blaine should go gel less-" Mercedes started but Tina cut in. "If Lucas is being stimulated enough or not-" "If he'll adapt well to New York and NYADA-" Kurt cleared his throat and Blaine kept his eyes on the road when Rachel gasped, leaning forward.

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