Criticism has come to Ohio

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"Did you really think that a disguise was going to let you get into the Gap? A female disguise?" Kurt said as he unlocked the front door. Lucas ran in and took off his shoes, running to find Snow. Blaine huffed and Kurt closed the door behind him, locking it. "It almost worked until they had a bow tie sale. You know that's my weakness." Kurt just hummed and pulled his husband for a kiss to stop his rambling. "I like you better as the man you are. All man and no woman." Blaine smirked and began to hum "When I get you alone" until Kurt pushed him away and turned to walk into the living room when he stopped when he heard something upstairs. Lucas was crouched behind the couch with Snow in his arms. Blaine came up and looked at his family when he heard the sounds. "Maybe it's Finn?"

Kurt went to grab Lucas who held onto Snow while Blaine went to go check. "Daddy..." Lucas whimpered in fear while holding onto Kurt. Blaine was ready to strike the intruder with the baseball bat when he screamed and another screamed followed. Kurt and Lucas screamed until the lights turned on and Tim was standing with his hands up in defense. "Don't strike, slugger. It's just me." Blaine, Kurt and Lucas took deep breaths. Kurt grumbled and walked to the kitchen. "...almost giving me a heart attack..." Lucas was put down and Blaine put up the bat before helping his Uncle up. Tim brushed himself off and smiled. "What? Your old uncle can't get a hug and hello?" "How did you even get in the house? Wait, how do you even know where we live?" Blaine ignored his question with his own and Tim sighed. "I wanted to see you. We don't hang out like we used to or talk."

Blaine silently groaned in his head but kept his face stoic and unpleased. He could hear pots and pans clattering along with Kurt's grumbling. He knew his husband wasn't happy that not only did they come home to find their home invaded again but that it was by Blaine's homophobic judgmental uncle. "Oh we spoke plenty at Faithland."

"Hey! There ya are slugger. I was looking for you." Tim came towards Blaine while Blaine was coming towards his Uncle with fire in his eyes. "Ooh, trouble in paradise?" "How. Dare. You? How dare you talk to him like that? Who do you think you are?!" Blaine balled up his fists. Tim raised a hand, his voice growing strong even if he was a little afraid of the confrontation. "Hey! I am your uncle. I'm not the kid so don't raise your voice at me." Blaine growled. "I'll raise my voice however loud I want and to who I want! You have and had no right to talk to Kurt like you did or say anything you said in front of Lucas like that. Kurt and I are raising our son just fine!" "Oh yeah, you're raising him to be just like you. He's a smart kid and he deserves better. He's an Anderson for christ's sake." Blaine raised his voice. "He's a Hummel too and a pretty damn good one. Everyone loves him for the way he is but you're the only one who can't. You need time? Take all you need but don't you ever speak to my husband in the manner that you have!"

"You're not supposed to do things this way! It's immoral! You were supposed to marry a girl, go to college and then have kids, not the other way around." "You're not my father so I don't have to follow that advice and even if you were, it's MY choice how my future is supposed to go! Now that it has changed, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Kurt went through hell during and after Katie and so did I but I wasn't going to abandon him. That's not how love goes!!"

Tim cleared his throat and rubbed his jaw where he had said something about Kurt and Blaine punched him hard to the jaw. "Well since you're here, you might as well join us for dinner." Blaine turned and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Kurt was tense as he cut the tomato but the moment Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist and pulled him close, kissing the back of his shoulder, Kurt started to calm down and close his eyes. He put down the knife and covered Blaine's hands with his own, closing his eyes.

"Breathe for me?" Blaine asked and Kurt did slowly. "Move your hand from the knife because both of us know that orange really isn't your color." Kurt chuckled and put his hand back over Blaine's. He opened his eyes and sighed, leaning back to look at Blaine. "It's just a few days and then he's gone." Kurt poured and Blaine chuckled, kissing his pout softly to make Kurt smile. "Fine. But that doesn't mean I'll be held accountable for my actions."

The next few days had Kurt gritting his teeth so much that he didn't even worry if they'd break. Whenever Blaine wasn't near him or in the room and Tim was, the older man started to "suggest" things Kurt could do better and though he took the advice the first and second day, the ongoing advice started to piss him off. But he kept a cool head because soon Tim would be heading back and Kurt and Blaine could get back to their life as normal. However a week turned into two, somehow Tim started to stay longer in the guest bedroom and Kurt's tolerance started to dim lower and lower with every morning, afternoon and night. Tim had managed to drive Kurt up the wall about his morning routine, the fact Kurt should be buying more clothes and things for Lucas instead of himself and Blaine, that he was bathing Lucas with the wrong body wash, that it was wrong for him to have Lucas nap for too long or always eat vegetables for a snack and so on. Blaine always did his best to shoo Tim away or distract him.

But Blaine wasn't home. Lyla needed his help with some things so it was just Kurt, Lucas and Tim alone in the house. Kurt let Lucas play with his toys while he got started on dinner. He was halfway through when the smell of alcohol reached his nose before Tim entered the kitchen. Kurt just ignored him until Tim leaned over and watched Kurt, taking a sip of beer. Kurt fought back a scowl at that. Not only was the man an overstayed guest but he bought beer into Kurt and Blaine's home. Kurt threw in more ingredients and Tim scoffed. "Sissy move." He turned and walked away before Kurt could say a word. He looked at the clock and sighed. "Just a few more hours and Blaine will be home." Kurt was just starting to plate the food when he heard a loud crash followed by Lucas's screams and wails. Kurt gasped and dropped the spatula, running into the living room to see Lucas lying on the carpet. Tim started to move towards the toddler but Kurt beat him to it by covering Lucas with his body, murderous glare on his face. "Get. Away. From. Him!!" Tim stopped and Kurt looked at Lucas, fear spiking when his hand came away with blood. He turned his head and saw blood on the edge of the coffee table. Lucas even smelt weird. He looked at the sippy cup that was last empty but now was full. Kurt looked at Tim like he was a madman and stood up.

"Are you fucking insane?! Have you lost your damn mind?!" Kurt pushed Tim with every word, his face turning redder and redder. "YOU GAVE MY SON ALCOHOL!! HE'S THREE!!" "And you were making him just like you! He doesn't need to be cooking like you, listening to you sing sissy show tones like A GODDAMN WOMAN! THATS ALL YOU ARE AND EVER WILL BE IN THIS HOUSE AND IN PUBLIC!" Kurt had enough. "AND I'D RATHER MY SON GROW UP TO BE GOOD, KIND AND LOVING LIKE BLAINE AND I THAN LIKE SOMEONE WHO ABANDONED THEIR WIFE AND CHILDREN TO GET HIGH AND DRUNK OVER A SMALL INJURY!! YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME IN ANY WAY AND YOU NEVER WILL BE!" Kurt punched Tim hard that the man stumbled before Tim slowly turned his head back to look at Kurt and before Kurt realized it, he found himself being pushed into the corner of the wall, the hard edge pushing hard into his back. Kurt called out in pain and Lucas wailed in fear but Kurt just retaliated until Tim threw Kurt into the coffee table, glass shattering every where and knocking the wind out of a bleeding Kurt. Tim looked scared and shocked while Kurt winced in pain and looked afraid instead of angry. He struggled to stand as he stumbled to Lucas, picked him up before biting back a curse and walked out of the house, blood following him. Kurt couldn't open the car door without feeling faint so he slid down and sat. After his stomach was empty and Lucas sniffled, blood streaming down the side of his head, Kurt called one number.

"Hello?" Carole's voice sounded. She had just finished putting dinner away when the phone rang. Fear and concern spiked her heart when she heard the sobs on the other line. "Kurt? Honey is that you?" Another sob, another rough sniffle and whimper. "" Carole had to hold onto the counter as she shook. "Honey, what happened?" Finn had just entered the kitchen when he heard the fear in his mother's voice. "Is that Kurt?" Carole nodded. "Kurt, Kurt are you there?" Kurt was trying to soothe Lucas but he sounded so hurt and scared. "" That was all before a clatter sounded and Lucas screamed. Carole hung up and Finn was already in action. He grabbed Burt and the two started driving fast to Kurt and Blaine's neighborhood. It didn't take long to find the house and what they found made Finn and Burt's heart drop. Lucas was screaming and crying while trying to shake a passed out, glass and blood covered Kurt who was lying on his side, awake. Finn rushed out of the car and over to Lucas, picking him up. Lucas screamed until he realized it was Finn and cried into his shoulder. "PAPA! Papa...papa..." The boy shook from the cold and fear while Finn took him back to the car while Burt picked up Kurt gently. They called Carole who told them to bring Kurt and Lucas home. Thirty minutes later, Burt was bringing a barely conscious Kurt into the house and Finn, a sleeping Lucas. He went to clean him off while Carole took care of Kurt. "The wounds aren't too bad. It's just small shards. What happened?" Burt shook his head. "We found them by the car in the driveway. Kurt was down and Lucas was trying to wake him." "When he called, he said something about a fight with Tim. Better call Blaine. If Tim did this, we don't need him getting hurt too."

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