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Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep! Beep beep bee-

Kurt groaned and slammed his hand down on his alarm clock before cracking his eyes open and yawned. He sat up and stretched, scratching his head. He checked his phone to see that he had two messages, Rachel and Blaine. He ignored the one from Rachel and opened the one from Blaine.

B<3 : Meet up at Lima Bean? Our usual?

K<3 : Do you even have to ask? Be there in thirty minutes.

B<3 : You know me well. Btw, GOOD MORNING FIANCE OF MINE!!

K<3 : So that wasn't a dream or hallucination? Good to know. ;)

Kurt chuckled and waited for his phone to buzz while he started to pick out his clothes. The Katy Perry ringtone meant Blaine was trying to facetime. Kurt accepted and a fuzzy headed Blaine appeared on the screen and smiled. Kurt smiled back.

"Morning babe." Kurt said.

"And morning to you Fiance." Blaine said back.

"Is that ever going to get old?"

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No no I like being reminded that I'm yours."

"You are mine. You've always been and no jewelry is going to enhance it anymore than how we feel about each other."

"Someone is cheesy in the mornings."

"You know if I could I would kiss you senseless but as it would seem, this isn't Faithland and we're not sharing a bed."

"Mmm such unfair circumstances. Damn Lima."

"How'd you sleep?" Blaine said after a yawn.

"Like a baby. It was peaceful and not a nightmare." Kurt said proudly.

"That's great! That means you're getting better Kurt."

"I feel like I am. Thanks to Finn and that video and the fire and tree dedication. I feel even better than before like I can take control again."

"And you can. Do what feels right for you and not what you think is a better choice. What does Kurt Hummel want to do?"

"Well Kurt Hummel really wants to take a shower and get ready to meet his fiance for coffee and kiss and talk to him before they walk into hell better known as McKinley High and face the demons and their treasured friends after a whole peaceful summer silence of unanswered texts." Kurt joked and Blaine laughed.

"Sounds like a plan I will let you get to. I love you Kurt." Blaine blew a kiss.

"I love you too my fuzzy headed fiance. See you soon."

"See you soon."

Blaine hung up and Kurt placed his phone down and pulled out a red, white and black button up with short sleeves, black jeans and a pair of high top Converse. He took a shower, did his skin routine and fixed his hair. Finn knocked and walked in, dressed and ready with a smile. He swung his backpack on his back and held out a plate with a bagel on it. Kurt took it and bit into it while he walked out his room, down the hall, down the stairs and brushed the crumbs off his shirt and vest. He turned to Finn who crouched down a bit to check that Kurt ate it all before giving a thumbs up and a see you at school. Kurt left out and drove to the Lima Bean, parking close and got out. He saw Blaine in the window as he walked to the building and headed inside. Blaine stood up and smiled, grabbing Kurt and hugged him. Kurt hugged back and snuck a kiss on his neck before letting go.

"So what is our plan for this?" Kurt said once they sat down and fluttered his ring finger. Blaine frowned.

"Do you want to take it off or I -"

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